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Bushaltestelle Missing [Orlando] BUG2
Wenn das eine Kirche ist, fehlt da ein zusätzlicher Punkt mit passender Kennzeichnung.? [Hasienda]
Ja, eine Kirche ist das auf jeden Fall. [NoName] NODE1
bus_routes=fixme; highway=bus_stop; operator=Münchner Verkehrsgesellschaft mbH NODE2
name=FixMe!!!; amenity=fuel WAY1
name=FIX ME!!!; highway=residential WAY2
note=FIXME previously unwayed segment is a Perl script that creates a waypoint list for fixing OSM debugs from the fixme tags in a map section (osmcut output) and an OSB Reports file. It generates a GPX file that can be loaded on a GPS receiver and a list of error descriptions to print out. Optionally, a bounding box can be given to reduce the output size.
Bugs: The script doesn't really parse XML, but relies on the particular formats from osmcut and OSB Reports.
./ muenchen.osm bugs_bayern.gpx 48.05 11.545 48.21 11.74
Sample output
Bushaltestelle Missing [Orlando]
Wenn das eine Kirche ist, fehlt da ein zusätzlicher Punkt mit passender Kennzeichnung.? [Hasienda]
Ja, eine Kirche ist das auf jeden Fall. [NoName]
bus_routes=fixme; highway=bus_stop; operator=Münchner Verkehrsgesellschaft mbH
name=FixMe!!!; amenity=fuel
name=FIX ME!!!; highway=residential
note=FIXME previously unwayed segment
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
require '';
die "Usage: map.osm bugs.gpx\n" if @ARGV < 2;
$osmfile = $ARGV[0];
$osbfile = $ARGV[1];
$lat1 = 0; $lon1 = 0;
$lat2 = 90; $lon2 = 90;
if (@ARGV == 6) {
$lat1 = $ARGV[2];
$lon1 = $ARGV[3];
$lat2 = $ARGV[4];
$lon2 = $ARGV[5];
open GPX, ">debug.gpx";
open HTM, ">debug.html";
print GPX "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\" ?>
<gpx xmlns=\"\" version=\"1.1\"
print HTM "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\"/>\n<h1>OSM Bug Report</h1><ul>\n";
$b = 0;
open IN, "<$osbfile";
while (<IN>) {
/<wpt lat="([0-9\.]*)" lon="([0-9\.]*)"><desc>OPEN (.*)<\/desc><\/wpt>/ or next;
$lat=$1; $lon=$2; $txt=$3;
if ($lat > $lat1 and $lat < $lat2 and $lon > $lon1 and $lon < $lon2) {
$txt =~ s/:::/<br\/>/g;
print GPX "<wpt lat=\"$lat\" lon=\"$lon\"><desc>BUG$b</desc></wpt>\n";
print HTM "<li>BUG$b<br/>$txt\n";
close IN;
open NODE, "<$osmfile";
while (<NODE>) {
if (/<node id=\"([0-9]*)\" .*lat=\"([0-9\.]*)\" lon=\"([0-9\.]*)\"\/?>/) {
$id=$1, $lat=$2, $lon=$3, $tag="";
$ndlat{$id} = $lat, $ndlon{$id} = $lon if ($lat > 48 and $lat < 48.25 and $lon > 11.4 and $lon < 11.75);
$tag .= "$1=$2; " if /<tag k=\"(.*)\" v=\"(.*)\"\/>/ and $1 ne "created_by";
if (/<\/node>/) {
$tag =~ s/; $//;
next if not $tag =~ /fix.*me/i;
if ($lat > $lat1 and $lat < $lat2 and $lon > $lon1 and $lon < $lon2) {
print GPX "<wpt lat=\"$lat\" lon=\"$lon\"><desc>NODE$n</desc></wpt>\n";
print HTM "<li>NODE$n<br/>$tag\n";
close NODE;
open WAY, "<$osmfile";
while (<WAY>) {
$id=$1, $tag="", @nd=() if /<way id=\"([0-9]*)\".*>/;
$tag .= "$1=$2; " if /<tag k=\"(.*)\" v=\"(.*)\"\/>/ and $1 ne "created_by";
push (@nd, $1) if /<nd ref=\"([0-9]*)\"\/>/;
if (/<\/way>/) {
$tag =~ s/; $//;
next if not $tag =~ /fix.*me/i;
next if $tag =~ /boundary=administrative/;
foreach (@nd) {
next if not $ndlat{$n};
print GPX "<wpt lat=\"$ndlat{$n}\" lon=\"$ndlon{$n}\"><desc>WAY$w</desc></wpt>\n";
if ($j) {
print HTM "<li>WAY$w<br/>$tag\n";
close WAY;
print GPX "</gpx>";
close GPX;