User:LorenzoStucchi/Description DatabaseSchema

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Draft description of Database schema

In this page, I will try to describe the OpenStreetMap Database Schema. Fell free to improve my description and complete it.

The source of this description is based on this code, that is visualised in this image (with some error, consider always the code since it is updated).

The idea is to create a section for every table of the database. In the section, a wiki-table will describe the element present in that table.

I started putting a section for every table, but not all are filled, feel free to do it if you want.

If you just want to give a suggestion or a critic, feel free to do it here.


An element common in different tables is the visible parameter, when an object is created it is set to True (1) when a user wants to delete it, the raw is not deleted but the visible is set to False (0).

Changeset tables


Element name Type Description
id big integer unique identifier for every changeset
user_id big integer unique identifier for the user that created the changeset
created_at timestamp without time zone time at which the changeset was created
min_lat integer border of the bounding box in which the change are done
max_lat integer
min_lon integer
max_lon integer
closed_at timestamp without time zone time at which the changeset was closed. By default, each change operation sets the closed_at at the current timestamp + 1 hour.

Calling the changeset close endpoint will set the closed_at timestamp to NOW.

num_changes integer number of create/modify/delete operations on nodes/ways/relations in changeset (currently up to 10'000)


Element name Type Description
id integer unique identifier of the comment inside a changeset
changeset_id big integer identifier of the changeset at which the comment belongs
author_id big integer identifier of the user that create the comment
body text text of the comment
created_at timestamp without time zone moment of the creation of the comment
visible boolean parameter to show or not the changeset comment


Element name Type Description
changeset_id big integer identifier of the changeset at which the tag belongs
k character varying key of the tag
v character varying value of the tag

Redaction table

Table to link some data that were hidden due to copyright reason or due to change of licence to ODbl.


Element name Type Description
id big integer unique identifier for every redaction
title character varying title of the redaction
description text description of the reasons of the redaction
created_at timestamp without time zone time of initial creation of the redaction
updated_at timestamp without time zone time of last change in the redaction
user_id big integer User id that created this redaction entry
description_format public.format_enum enumeration that describe the language of the description (can be:'html', 'markdown' (default) or 'text')

Element tables

For the element exists two types of tables, a simple one called with just its name (nodes) and another with a prefix current (current_nodes). The second table contains only the latest version of every element, instead the first contains all the history of the different version of the element.

A version of one element is identified uniquely with the combination of the id and the version, that are the primary key of the tables.

The identifier of the current table is no more called with the name of the element (node_id) but only with id.

In the tables below the element that are not present in the current tables are on italics.

Nodes tables


Element name Type Description
node_id big integer unique identifier for every node
latitude integer latitude of the node (float value multiplied by 10000000)
longitude integer longitude of the node (float value multiplied by 10000000)
changeset_id big integer unique identifier for changeset in which the node is changed
visible boolean flag to indicate if node is visible (or invisible)
timestamp timestamp without time zone timestamp of the creation of the node version, based on UTC+0
tile big integer a value that is the product of the QuadTiles indexing that divides all world in squares. The code is not easy to be understood, but the results it is clear in this image. Actual code resides in the quad_tile gem in the openstreetmap github repo.
version big integer version of the node
redaction_id integer identifier of the redaction at which the node is associated


Element name Type Description
node_id big integer unique identifier of the node at which the tag is associated
k character varying key of the tag, restricted to 255 unicode characters by the API
v character varying value of the tag, restricted to 255 unicode characters by the API
version big integer version of the node at which the tag is associated

Ways tables


Element name Type Description
way_id big integer unique identifier for every ways
changeset_id big integer unique identifier for changeset in which the way is changed
timestamp timestamp without time zone time of the creation of the way version
version big integer version of the way
visible boolean parameter to show or not the way
redaction_id integer identifier of the redaction at which the way is associated


Element name Type Description
way_id big integer unique identifier for the way
node_id big integer unique identifier for the node
sequence_id big integer number that identify the order of the node inside the way
version big integer version of the way at which the node is associated


Element name Type Description
way_id big integer unique identifier of the way at which the tag is associated
k character varying key of the tag
v character varying value of the tag
version big integer version of the way at which the tag is associated

Relation tables


Element name Type Description
relation_id big integer unique identifier for every relation
changeset_id big integer unique identifier for changeset in which the relation is changed
timestamp timestamp without time zone time of the creation of the relation version
version big integer version of the relation
visible boolean parameter to show or not the relation
redaction_id integer identifier of the redaction at which the relation is associated


Element name Type Description
relation_id big integer unique identifier that link to the relation
member_id big integer unique identifier that link to the element of the relation
member_type nwr enumeration type of the element of the relation (can be: 'Node', 'Way' or 'Relation')
member_role character varying role of the element in the relation (can be: 'inner', 'outer' or ... ), actual values are not checked by the API, value may be blank
sequence_id integer number that identify the order of the member inside the relation
version big integer version of the relation at which the member is associated


Element name Type Description
relation_id big integer unique identifier of the relation at which the tag is associated
k character varying key of the tag
v character varying value of the tag
version big integer version of the relation at which the tag is associated

Notes tables


Element name Type Description
id big integer unique identifier for every note
latitude integer latitude of the note
longitude integer longitude of the node
tile big integer ??
updated_at timestamp without time zone time of the last change of the note
created_at timestamp without time zone time of the creation of the note
status note_status_enum status of the node (can be: 'open', 'closed' or 'hidden')
closed_at timestamp without time zone time when the note is closed


Element name Type Description
id big integer unique identifier for every note comment
note_id big integer unique identifier for the note at which the comment is refered
visible boolean visibility of the note comment
created_at timestamp without time zone time of the creation of the comment to the note
author_ip inet IP address of the creator of the comment
author_id big integer id of the user that created the note if logged in
body text text of the comment
event note_event_enum Action that the comment make on the note (can be: 'opened', 'closed', 'reopened', 'commented' or 'hidden')

GPX tables


Element name Type Description
id big integer unique identifier for every gpx file
user_id big integer identifier of the user that create the file
visible boolean visibility of the gpx file
name character varying name of the gpx file
size big integer size of the gpx file
latitude double precision latitude of the first point in the gpx file
longitude double precision longitude of the first point in the gpx file
timestamp timestamp without time zone time when the file was upload ??
description character varying faculty description of the gpx file
inserted boolean ??
visibility gpx_visibility_enum visibility of the path of the gpx file (can be: 'private', 'public'(default), 'trackable' or 'identifiable')


Element name Type Description
id big integer unique identifier for every gpx tag
gpx_id big integer id of the gpx at which the tag is associated
tag character varying ??


Element name Type Description
altitude double precision Height of the gpx point
trackid integer ??
latitude integer latitude of the gpx point
longitude integer longitude of the gpx point
gpx_id big integer id of the gpx file at which the point belongs
timestamp timestamp without time zone ??
tile big integer ??

User tables


Element name Type Description
email character varying
id big integer
pass_crypt character varying
creation_time timestamp without time zone
display_name character varying
data_public boolean
description text
home_lat double precision
home_lon double precision
home_zoom smallint
pass_salt character varying
email_valid boolean
new_email character varying
creation_ip character varying
languages character varying
status user_status_enum
terms_agreed timestamp without time zone
consider_pd boolean
auth_uid character varying
preferred_editor character varying
terms_seen boolean
description_format format_enum
changesets_count integer
traces_count integer
diary_entries_count integer
image_use_gravatar boolean
auth_provider character varying
home_tile big integer
tou_agreed timestamp without time zone


Element name Type Description
id big integer
user_id big integer
token character varying
expiry timestamp without time zone
referer text


Element name Type Description
id integer
user_id big integer
role user_role_enum
created_at timestamp without time zone
updated_at timestamp without time zone
granter_id big integer


Element name Type Description
user_id big integer
k character varying
v character varying


Element name Type Description
id integer
user_id big integer
creator_id big integer
reason text
ends_at timestamp without time zone
needs_view boolean
revoker_id big integer
created_at timestamp without time zone
updated_at timestamp without time zone
reason_format format_enum


Element name Type Description
subscriber_id big integer
changeset_id big integer


Element name Type Description
id big integer
from_user_id big integer
title character varying
body text
sent_on timestamp without time zone
message_read boolean
to_user_id big integer
to_user_visible boolean
from_user_visible boolean
body_format format_enum


Element name Type Description
id big integer
user_id big integer
friend_user_id big integer

Diary tables


Element name Type Description
id big integer
user_id big integer
title character varying
body text
created_at timestamp without time zone
updated_at timestamp without time zone
latitude double precision
longitude double precision
language_code character varying
visible boolean
body_format public.format_enum


Element name Type Description
id big integer
diary_entry_id big integer
user_id big integer
body text
created_at timestamp without time zone
updated_at timestamp without time zone
visible boolean
body_format public.format_enum


Element name Type Description
user_id big integer
diary_entry_id big integer


Element name Type Description
code character varying
english_name character varying
native_name character varying

Client tables


Element name Type Description
id integer
name character varying
url character varying
support_url character varying
callback_url character varying
key character varying(50)
secret character varying(50)
user_id integer
created_at timestamp without time zone
updated_at timestamp without time zone
allow_read_prefs boolean
allow_write_prefs boolean
allow_write_diary boolean
allow_write_api boolean
allow_read_gpx boolean
allow_write_gpx boolean
allow_write_notes boolean


Element name Type Description
id integer
user_id integer
type character varying(20)
client_application_id integer
token character varying(50)
secret character varying(50)
authorized_at timestamp without time zone
invalidated_at timestamp without time zone
created_at timestamp without time zone
updated_at timestamp without time zone
allow_read_prefs boolean
allow_write_prefs boolean
allow_write_diary boolean
allow_write_api boolean
allow_read_gpx boolean
allow_write_gpx boolean
callback_url character varying
verifier character varying(20)
scope character varying
valid_to timestamp without time zone
allow_write_notes boolean


Element name Type Description
id integer
nonce character varying
timestamp integer
created_at timestamp without time zone
updated_at timestamp without time zone



Element name Type Description
id big integer
address inet
k character varying
v character varying
domain character varying
mx character varying


Element name Type Description
version character varying


Element name Type Description
id big integer
priority integer
attempts integer
handler text
last_error text
run_at timestamp without time zone
locked_at timestamp without time zone
failed_at timestamp without time zone
locked_by character varying
queue character varying
created_at timestamp without time zone
updated_at timestamp without time zone


Element name Type Description
id big integer
name character varying
record_type character varying
record_id big integer
blob_id big integer
created_at timestamp without time zone


Element name Type Description
id big integer
key character varying
filename character varying
content_type character varying
metadata text
byte_size big integer
checksum character varying
created_at timestamp without time zone


Element name Type Description
key character varying
value character varying
created_at timestamp(6) without time zone
updated_at timestamp(6) without time zone


Element name Type Description
id integer
reportable_type character varying
reportable_id integer
reported_user_id integer
status issue_status_enum
assigned_role user_role_enum
resolved_at timestamp without time zone
resolved_by integer
updated_by integer
reports_count integer
created_at timestamp without time zone
updated_at timestamp without time zone


Element name Type Description
id integer
issue_id integer
user_id integer
body text
created_at timestamp without time zone
updated_at timestamp without time zone
