commons:Category:SVG Exclamation_marks
- If you are the author of this file, you must make it available under a free license.
- If you are not the author of the file, the file must be under a free license and you must provide the source.
- If the above points are not met, the file will [may?] be deleted within a month.
Before uploading a file to OpenStreetMap wiki, please consider if it would be more useful to upload it to the Wikimedia Commons file repository instead. You can use (embed, link) Wikimedia Commons files in exactly the same way as if they were uploaded here locally ([[File:Example.jpg|thumb|some example text]] – unless a file with the same name exists locally on this wiki), and as an added bonus the file is available to be used by other projects (not least Wikipedia) which are using Wikimedia Commmons.
Media files that generally should be uploaded to OpenStreetMap wiki:
- Screenshots of the OpenStreetMap main page or wiki pages. Of course, these images can be generally uploaded to Wikimedia Commons, but that project only needs OpenStreetMap screenshots that illustrate article topics.
- Screenshots of editors like iD (ISC License), JOSM (GNU GPL v2), StreetComplete (GNU GPL v3) or Vespucci (Apache license 2.0)
- Media files showing Bing aerial imagery, copyrighted software or web services that use OpenStreetMap data. Should only be uploaded for use in help or information pages. Remember these media files are protected by copyright and are the only such files allowed here.
- Duplicate content in a file format which is better suited for the content (e.g. SVG instead of JPG for drawings or charts). For example, if there is an existing image in a raster format like JPEG, upload the SVG file under the same new name, but with a new file extension; rename the file to the new one in all pages shown in What links here; then request the deletion of the original.
Media files that generally should not be uploaded to OpenStreetMap wiki:
- Duplicates of files present in Wikimedia Commons (the file in the OSM wiki will be deleted, because it can be used directly from Commons).
- Media files that are covered by the scope of project scope of Wikimedia Commons (summary). These files should be uploaded to Wikimedia Commons instead. Make sure to note the file's relevance to the OpenStreetMap project.
- Media files not either available under an open license or in the public domain (exceptions for Bing aerial imagery, copyrighted software or web interfaces that use OpenStreetMap data – see above).
- Updated media files similar to an existing one but under another name, unless there is a good reason to show both. To update a media file under an existing file name just go to the page of that file and click in "Upload a new version of this file".
- Media files not related to OpenStreetMap.
Użyj poniższego formularza do przesłania plików.
Jeśli chcesz przejrzeć lub przeszukać dotychczas przesłane pliki, przejdź do listy plików. Każde przesłanie zostaje odnotowane w rejestrze przesyłanych plików, a usunięcie w rejestrze usuniętych.
Plik pojawi się na stronie, jeśli użyjesz linku według jednego z następujących wzorów:
[[File:Plik.jpg]] pokaże plik w pełnej postaci
[[File:Plik.png|200px|thumb|left|podpis grafiki]] pokaże szeroką na 200 pikseli miniaturkę umieszczoną przy lewym marginesie, otoczoną ramką, z podpisem „podpis grafiki”
[[Media:Plik.ogg]] utworzy bezpośredni link do pliku bez wyświetlania samego pliku