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This initiative is directed at mapping parking facilities provided by (not only :-P) municipalities in Portugal. Please contact User icon 2.svgmikedld (on osm) if you have questions and/or want to help out.

Parking machines

Each parking meter is a node with the tags below. Highly recommended that all listed tags are present unless can't be determined for valid reasons, e.g. vandalism, in which case please add a fixme=*. All the necessary information is usually visible on info screen, there's no need in looking behind the meter or some place else and drawing unnecessary attention to yourself during the survey :) See separate municipality pages for their specific tagging.

Key Value Example
amenity vending_machine
vending parking_tickets
brand Brand specified on info screen or front of meter, prefer normalized value deduced from ref:PT:IPQ if differs (unless doesn't match at all) or missing Hectronic (see below for full list)
manufacture_date Manufacture year specified on info screen 2023
manufacturer Manufacturer specified on info screen, prefer normalized value deduced from ref:PT:IPQ if differs (unless doesn't match at all) or missing Hectronic GmbH (see below for full list)
model Model specified on info screen, prefer normalized value deduced from ref:PT:IPQ if differs (unless doesn't match at all) or missing Citea (see below for full list)
operator Municipal entity providing parking spaces EMEL, Loures Parque
payment:* Use your best judgement payment:app=yes + payment:cards=no + payment:coins=yes + payment:notes=no + payment:via_verde=yes
ref Number specified on info screen or pole sign 18A/005, 321/104
ref:manufacturer Serial number specified on info screen, assigned by manufacturer; EMEL seems to omit leading zeroes 127423, 1337842, 10081052
ref:PT:IPQ Model identifier assigned by Instituto Português da Qualidade, deduced from "P" signage specified on info screen and normalized 301., 301. (see below for full list)
zone Zone identifier specified on pole sign or info screen or front of meter 18A, 321
zone:colour Zone color (in English!) specified on pole sign or info screen (if specified at all), prefer the one on info screen if differs (and add a note=*) red, yellow, green, brown

Tables with normalized values follow. Values that were in fact normalized are marked as such, the rest is still in progress.

301.21 - Parcómetros
ref:PT:IPQ Count brand model manufacturer IPQ Approval Order
Number DR Date
301. Autoslot 8 Control Systems, Ltd. N/A 1984-11-30
301. Kienzle PU 6, PUD 6 Kienzle Apparate, GmbH N/A 1986-07-29
301. Ticfak 9000 AB Ticfak N/A 1986-06-27
301. POM N, S POM Inc. N/A 1986-06-27
301. Duncan 76, 70 VIP, 80 VIP, 90 VIP, 95 VIP Duncan Industries N/A 1986-09-18
301. Amper-Iberseguir IBY Iberseguir, S. A. N/A 1990-12-14
301. Duncan EMM Duncan Industries (EUA) N/A 1991-11-18
301. Schlumberger DG4S Schlumberger Technologies GmbH N/A 1993-05-05
301. Cale MP 102 Cale Industri AB N/A 1994-09-23
301. Metric Accent Metric Group Lda. N/A 1995-03-14
301. Siemens MS-SITY Siemens N/A 1995-05-31
301. GAIN PKG-01 GAIN - Grupo do Apoio à Indústria Nacional, Lda. N/A 1999-01-27
301. Cale MPC 104 Cale Access AB 781/2007 (~818/2007) 2007-01-16 (~2007-06-18)
301. SIEMENS SITRAFFIC SICURO SIEMENS AG 13091/2010 2010-08-13
301. Smart Park S2.5 GANIS SYSTEMS, Ltd 15219/2010 2010-10-07
301. Siemens SITRAFFIC SICURO Siemens AG 3127-A/2012 2012-03-01
301. Cale CWT Compact Cale Access AB 8454/2012 (~1410/2012) 2012-06-25 (~2012-11-05)
301. Metric Aura Metric Group Limited 9631/2012 2012-07-17
301. Ibersegur Tempo PARKARE 10125/2012 2012-07-27
301. Parkeon Strada Parkeon S.A.S. 11869/2012 2012-09-06
301. PSA Parkline Economy WSA Electronic GMBH & Co.KG 11651/2012 2012-08-29
301. ATB 1256 Automatentechnik Baumann GmbH 5652/2014 2014-04-29
301. Metric Elite Metric Group Limited 1558/2015 2015-02-13
301. Parkeon, Flowbird Strada Parkeon S.A.S. 2514/2015 (~467/2016) 2015-03-10 (~2016-05-10)
301. Hectronic Kienzle Citea Hectronic GmbH 1970/2015 2015-02-25
301. Parkeon Stelio PAL Parkeon S.A.S. 1699/2016 2016-02-03
301. Cale CWT Compact Cale Access AB 7971/2016 2016-06-17
301. IEM Presto 600 IEM, S. A., Ingenierie Electronique & Monetique 8314/2016 2016-06-27
301. iParqueStreet i1 T/K ACIN - iCloud Solutions, Lda. 5266/2017 2017-06-14
301. IPS MS1 IPS Group Inc. 4980/2018 2018-05-18
301. Cale CWT Compact S3A Cale Access AB 3748/2018 2018-04-13
301. Hectronic Citea Hectronic GmbH 1494/2018 2018-02-12
301. Cale CWT Compact Touch Cale Access AB 3750/2018 2018-04-13
301. IEM PRESTO 600 IEM Ingénierie Electronique Mechanique, SARL 3749/2018 2018-04-13
301. iParqueStreet i1 T/K ACIN - iCloud Solutions, Lda. 526/2020 2020-01-16
301. iParqueStreet i1 T/K ACIN - iCloud Solutions, Lda. 7267/2022 2022-06-07
301. Parkeon Strada Parkeon S.A.S. 49/2023 2023-01-03
301.22 - Contadores de tempo
ref:PT:IPQ Count brand model manufacturer IPQ Approval Order
Number DR Date
301. Zeag Parking AG ORION Zeag Parking, Ltd. N/A 2006-11-15
301. Ibersegur Systems Lince Classic Ibersegur Systems S.L. N/A 2006-12-15
301. Ibersegur Systems Lince Elegance Ibersegur Systems S.L. N/A 2006-12-15
301. SKIDATA APT 450, SPT 400 SKIDATA AG N/A 2006-12-07
301. EQUIN SAGA WINPARK Equin, SA N/A 2006-12-19
301. EQUIN SAGA HPARK Equin, SA N/A 2006-12-19
301. Zeag Parking AG P900 Zeag Parking, Ltd. 232/2007 2007-01-05
301. ASYTEC MODPARK ASYTEC GmbH 310/2007 2007-01-08
301. WPS BC 200, BC EASY WPS - Worldwide Parking Solutions 1867/2007 2007-02-05
301. Scheidt & Bachmann PKA
("automatic pay station", not a real model?)
Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH 2224/2007 2007-02-12
301. Designa Parkmaster Designa Verkehrsleittechnik GmbH 2225/2007 2007-02-12
301. Ascom-Elsydel Citipark Ascom Monétel, S. A. 25818/2007 2007-11-13
301. Emparque GP07 EMPARQUE - Empreendimentos de Exploração de Parqueamento, S. A. 25469/2007 2007-11-08
301. Ticketcode Barcode Sistem TICKETCODE - Comércio e Montagem de Equipamentos Eléctricos, Unipessoal, Lda. 27329/2007 2007-12-03
301. Fullpark Urban 3001 FULLPARK, Equipamentos de Gestão e Controle de Estacionamento, Lda. 2767/2008 2008-02-04
301. Green Centre Green Pro Green Center s. r. o. 19099/2008 2008-07-17
301. COSIENSA GESPARK Cosien S.A 3660/2009 2009-01-29
301. GesParque2000 GP2000 Mais Energia Lda. 683/2009 2009-01-09
301. Designa Parkmaster Designa Verkehrsleittechnik GmbH 9397/2009
301. EQUIN SAGA HPARK Equin, S. A. 9400/2009 2009-04-03
301. EQUIN SAGA WINPARK Equin, S. A. 9399/2009
301. SKIDATA APT 450, SPT 400 SKIDATA AG 8056/2009 2009-03-20
301. WPS BC 200, BC EASY WPS - Worldwide Parking Solutions 7812/2009 2009-03-18
301. Zeag Parking AG P900 Zeag Parking, Lda 7334/2009 2009-03-11
301. Zeag Parking AG ORION Zeag Parking, Lda. 9484/2009
301. EQUIN SIGA EA2 Equin, S. A. 11278/2009 (~1460/2009) 2009-05-07 (~2009-06-09)
301. ORION XR Zeag Parking, Lda. 21297/2009 2009-09-22
301. Scheidt & Bachmann PKA
("automatic pay station", not a real model?)
Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH 1047/2010 2010-01-15
301. Ascom-Elsydel Citipark Ascom Monétel, S. A. 6622/2010 2010-04-14
301. Emparque GP07 EMPARQUE - Empreendimentos de Exploração de Parqueamento, S. A. 6621/2010 2010-04-14
301. Ticketcode Barcode Sistem TICKETCODE - Comércio e Montagem de Equipamentos Eléctricos, Unipessoal, Lda. 5181/2010 2010-03-23
301. EQUIN SAGA ALT Equin, S. A. 17086/2010 2010-11-12
301. GIPE99-CP GIPE99-CP OCTAL, S. A. 17085/2010 2010-11-12
301. Mabyc Europark PARKARE GROUP, SL 1725/2011 2011-01-21
301. SKIDATA Parking.Logic SKIDATA AG 3308/2011 2011-02-18
301. COSIENSA GESPARK Cosien S. A. 6836/2011 2011-05-03
301. MultiPark/GPark ETRA - Investigação e Desenvolvimento, S. A. 12410/2011 2011-09-20
301. Fullpark Urban 3001 FULLPARK, Equipamentos de Gestão e Controlo de Estacionamento, Lda. 13108/2011 2011-09-30
301.25 - Sistemas de gestão de parques
ref:PT:IPQ Count brand model manufacturer IPQ Approval Order
Number DR Date
301. EID PK Empresa de Investigação e Desenvolvimento da Electrónica, S.A. N/A 1989-03-15
301. POM PPM POM Inc. N/A 1992-09-08
301. POM APM POM Inc. N/A 1993-05-18
301. Mackay Meters MK II J. J. Mackay Canada, Lda. N/A 1993-09-14
301. Amper Ibersegur IB 3150 Amper Ibersegur N/A 1995-01-28
301. Telesistemi Park 204 Telesistemi N/A 1995-05-29
301. Eltec-System M3 Olivetti N/A 1995-05-31
301. Duncan Eagle Duncan Industries N/A 1995-07-12
301. Kienzle PA 2/1 Mennesmann Kienzle N/A 1996-05-08
301. Duncan Falcon Duncan Industries - Parking Control Systems N/A 1996-09-26
301. ASYTEC PG31 ASYTEC GmbH N/A 1997-01-06
301. METRIC ALBION Metric Parking N/A 1998-06-15
301. Schlumberger Stelio Schlumberger GmbH N/A 1998-09-30
301. Nagler Technik N 240 Nagler Automaten Technik, GMBH N/A 1999-10-14
301. Schlumberger DGClassic Schlumberger GmbH N/A 2000-10-11
301. PSA Parkline economy WSA Electronic GMBH & Co. KG N/A 2001-05-19
301. Ibersegur Systems Ciudad Ibersegur Systems S.L. N/A 2006-05-17
301. Hectronic Kienzle PA 2/1 Hectronic Kienzle GmbH N/A 2006-11-15
301. IEM Presto 600 IEM Ingéniere Electronique Mechanique, S. A. R. L. 26762/2007 2007-11-22
301. Hectronic Kienzle Citea Hectronic Kienzle GmbH 3432/2008 2008-02-12
301. SOLARI DI UDINE SPAZIO 21252/2008 2008-08-13
301. Parkeon Stelio Parkeon S.A.S. 31106/2008 2008-12-03
301. ATB PSA 1255/TS Automatentechnik Baumann GmbH 7811/2009 2009-03-18
301. Parkeon Strada Parkeon S.A.S. 2086/2009 2009-01-15
301. PSA Parkline economy WSA Electronic GMBH & Co.KG 9396/2009 2009-04-03
301. Fullpark Urban 1001 Fullpark, Equipamentos de Gestão e Controlo de Estacionamento, Lda. 3315/2012 2012-03-06
301. Parkare Ibersegur Elegance PARKARE GROUP, S.L. 15496/2014 2014-12-22
301. GREEN CENTER GREEN PRO GREEN Center s.r.o. 12941/2012 2012-10-02
301. EQUIN SAGA SENSE Equin, S. A. 12370/2012 2012-09-21
301. WPS BC 200, BC EASY WPS - Worldwide Parking Solutions 13198/2012 2012-10-09
301. ZEAG ORION XR Zeag Parking, Lda. 6788/2013 2013-05-24
301. ZEAG Parking AG ORION Zeag Parking, Lda. 6787/2013 2013-05-24
301. EQUIN SIGA EA2 Equin, S. A. 218/2013 2013-01-07
301. Scheidt & Bachmann PKA
("automatic pay station", not a real model?)
Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH 4389/2013 2013-03-26
301. Emparque GP07 14070/2013 2013-11-04
301. Ticketcode Barcode Sistem TICKETCODE - Comércio e Montagem de Equipamentos Elétricos, Unipessoal, Lda. 13120/2013 2013-10-15
301. WPS Parkadvance Light WPS - Worldwide Parking Solutions 16261/2013 2013-12-16
301. EQUIN SAGA ALT Equin S. A. 1343/2014 2014-01-28
301. SKIDATA Parking.Logic SKIDATA AG 1663/2014 2014-02-03
301. Meypar Meypar Mey Tech/basic Meypar, S.L 5556/2014 2014-04-23
301. Designa Parkmaster Designa Verkehrsleittechnik GmbH 5899/2014 2014-05-06
301. ASYTEC MODPARK ASYTEC GmbH 5900/2014 2014-05-06
301. WePark serie 2300 WePark Aparcamiento y Control, S.L 7730/2014 2014-06-16
301. GIPE99-CP OCTAL,S. A. 15038/2014 2014-12-11
301. SKIDATA Parking.Logic SKIDATA AG 15443/2014 2014-12-19
301. PSE 3000 PSE 3000 CAME S.p.A. 7744/2016 2016-06-14
301. HORUS MILENIO Horus Hardware S. A. 9820/2015 2015-08-28
301. EQUIN SAGA SENSE Equin S. A. 10283/2015 2015-09-16
301. Smartstep SmartPark IMAS D3 Equipamientos Tecnológicos SL 10587/2015 2015-09-23
301. Globalpark Connect100 Globalpark Investigação e Desenvolvimento de Soluções de Controlo, Lda. 10906/2015 2015-10-01
301. Parkare Compact Parkare Group 2174/2016 2016-02-11
301. Green Center Green Pro Green Center s.r.o. 3463/2016 2016-03-08
301. CROSS CROSS Cross Zlin, a.s. 4451/2016 2016-03-31
301. ZEAG ZEAG Hub Parking Technology, grupo FAAC, S.p.A. 3759/2017 2017-05-04
301. FAAC PARQUBE Hub Parking Technology, grupo FAAC, S.p.A. 3779/2017 2017-05-05
301. Scheidt & Bachmann PKA
("automatic pay station", not a real model?)
Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH 8765/2016 2016-07-07
301. Scheidt & Bachmann Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH 10002/2016 2016-08-08
301. OCTAL GIPE2016 OCTAL - Engenharia de Sistemas, S. A. 10056/2016 2016-08-09
301. WPS BC 200, BC EASY WPS - Worldwide Parking Solutions 14135/2016 2016-11-24
301. Ticketcode Barcode Sistem TICKETCODE - Comércio e Montagem de Equipamentos Elétricos, Lda. 14414/2016 2016-11-29
301. EQUIN SAGA SENSE Equin, S. A. 14980/2016 2016-12-12
301. Emparque GP07 Empark Portugal - Empreendimentos e exploração de parqueamentos, S. A. 1321/2017 2017-02-07
301. Designa Abacus, Abacus Blue Edition Designa Verkehrsleittechnik GmbH 4041/2017 2017-05-11
301. EQUIN SAGA ALT Equin S. A. 1683/2017 2017-02-22
301. PARKARE Ibersegur Elegance PARKARE GROUP, S.L 1777/2018 2018-02-20
301. SKIDATA Parking.Logic SKIDATA AG 11210/2017 2017-12-21
301. PARKARE PKM Parkare Group, S. L. 1778/2018 2018-02-20
301. PARKARE PKE Parkare Group, S. L. 1779/2018 (~228/2018) 2018-02-20 (~2018-03-27)
301. WPS Parkadvance Light WPS - Worldwide Parking Solutions 2523/2018 2018-03-12
301. ASYTEC MODPARK ASYTEC GmbH 5255/2018 2018-05-25
301. MEYPAR ADVENTA MEYPAR, S.L. 3751/2018 2018-04-13
301. EQUIN SAGA SENSE Equinsa Parking, S.L.U. 8548/2018 2018-09-05
301. GLOBALPARK CONNECT100 Globalpark Investigação e Desenvolvimento de Soluções de Controlo, Lda. 9979/2018 2018-10-25
301. HORUS MILENIO Horus Hardware S. A. 325/2019 2019-01-08
301. SKIDATA Lite.Gate SKIDATA AG 7027/2019 2019-08-07
301. SKIDATA Parking.Logic SKIDATA AG 8122/2019 2019-09-13
301. Scheidt & Bachmann Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH 3723/2020 2020-03-26
301. Ticketcode Barcode Sistem TICKETCODE - Comércio e Montagem de Equipamentos Elétricos, Lda. 1205/2020 2020-01-28
301. Emparque GP07 Empark Portugal - Empreendimentos e Exploração de Parqueamentos, S. A. 11467/2020 2020-11-20
301. Designa Abacus Designa Verkehrsleittechnik GmbH 1698/2021 2021-02-15
301. SKIDATA Parking.Logic SKIDATA AG 12657/2020 2020-12-31
301. Empark EOS-Access/SAGA Empark Portugal - Empreendimentos e exploração de parqueamentos, S. A. 1653/2021 2021-02-12
301. Meypar INEO Meypar, Maquinaria de Estacionamientos y Parkímetros, SL 5116/2021 2021-05-20
301. ZEAG ZEAG Hub Parking Technology, grupo FAAC, S.p.A. 9055/2021 2021-09-13
301. Empark BION-Park Empark Portugal - Empreendimentos e Exploração de Parqueamentos, S. A. 7915/2021 2021-08-12
301. FAAC ParQube Hub Parking Technology, grupo FAAC, S.p.A. 11173/2021 2021-11-15
301. Cross Cross Cross Zlin, a.s. 1577/2022 2022-02-09
301. Jadepark EX/LSCBP1 JADEPARK SISTEMAS; S.L. 3552/2022 2022-03-25
301. HUB Parking Technology Jupiter Hub Parking Technology, grupo FAAC, S.p.A. 6994/2022 2022-06-01
301. CAME Parkare PKE CAME Parkare S.L. 6728/2023 2023-06-22

See also

External links
