{ "id": "benchesandpicnictables", "title": { "en": "Benches and picnic tables", "nl": "Bankjes en picknicktafels" }, "shortDescription": { "en": "A map of benches and picnic tables", "nl": "Kaart met bankjes en picknicktafels" }, "description": { "en": "Benches and picnic tables known by OpenStreetMap. Open an OpenStreetMap account to edit details of existing benches or add new ones.", "nl": "Bankjes en picknicktafels op OpenStreetMap. Met een OpenStreetMap account kun je bankjes bewerken en toevoegen." }, "language": [ "en", "nl" ], "maintainer": "Peter Elderson", "icon": "./assets/themes/benches/bench_poi.svg", "version": "2021-01-12 PE", "startLat": 52.06785, "startLon": 5.125089, "startZoom": 17, "widenFactor": 0.2, "socialImage": "", "layers": [ { "id": "amenity=bench", "name": { "en": "Benches", "nl": "Bankjes" }, "minzoom": 14, "overpassTags": { "or": [ "amenity=bench", "leisure=picnic_table" ] }, "title": { "render": { "en": "Bench", "nl": "Bankje" }, "mappings": [ { "if": { "and": [ "leisure=picnic_table" ] }, "then": { "en": "Picnic table {all_tags()}", "nl": "Picknicktafel" } }, { "if": { "and": [ "backrest=yes" ] }, "then": { "en": "Bench with backrest {all_tags()}", "nl": "Bankje met rugleuning" } }, { "if": { "and": [ "backrest!~yes" ] }, "then": { "en": "Bench without backrest {all_tags()}", "nl": "Bankje zonder rugleuning" } } ] }, "description": { "en": "", "nl": "" }, "tagRenderings": [ { "question": { "en": "What type of bench is it?", "nl": "Wat voor bank is het?" }, "render": { "en": "Type of bench", "nl": "Soort bankje" }, "mappings": [ { "if": { "and": [ "leisure=picnic_table", "amenity=", "backrest=" ] }, "then": { "en": "This is a picnic table", "nl": "Dit is een picknicktafel" } }, { "if": { "and": [ "amenity=bench", "backrest=yes", "leisure=" ] }, "then": { "en": "This is a bench with a backrest", "nl": "Dit is een bank met rugleuning" } }, { "if": { "and": [ "amenity=bench", "backrest=", "leisure=" ] }, "then": { "en": "This is a bench without a backrest", "nl": "Dit is een bank zonder rugleuning" } } ] }, { "question": { "en": "Does this bench still exist?", "nl": "Bestaat dit bankje nog?" }, "render": { "en": "No longer there?", "nl": "Niet aangetroffen?" }, "mappings": [ { "if": { "and": [ "disused:amenity=bench", "amenity=", "fixme=to be deleted" ] }, "then": { "en": "This bench no longer exists", "nl": "Deze bank bestaat niet meer" } }, { "if": { "and": [ "disused:leisure=picnic_table", "leisure=", "fixme=to be deleted" ] }, "then": { "en": "This picnic table no longer exists", "nl": "Deze picknicktafel bestaat niet meer." } } ] }, { "render": { "en": "Date seen {survey:date}", "nl": "Datum gezien {survey:date}" }, "question": { "en": "When did you see this bench?", "nl": "Wanneer heb je dit bankje gezien?" }, "freeform": { "key": "survey:date", "type": "date" }, "mappings": [] } ], "hideUnderlayingFeaturesMinPercentage": 0, "icon": { "render": "./assets/themes/benches/bench_poi.svg", "mappings": [ { "if": { "and": [ "leisure=picnic_table" ] }, "then": { "en": "", "nl": "" } }, { "if": { "and": [ "backrest!~yes" ] }, "then": { "en": "./assets/themes/benches/bench_poi.svg", "nl": "./assets/themes/benches/bench_poi.svg" } }, { "if": { "and": [ "backrest=yes" ] }, "then": { "en": "./assets/themes/benches/bench_public_transport.svg", "nl": "./assets/themes/benches/bench_public_transport.svg" } } ], "condition": { "and": [] } }, "width": { "render": "8" }, "iconSize": { "render": "30,30,center", "mappings": [] }, "color": { "render": "#00f", "mappings": [] }, "presets": [ { "tags": [ "amenity=bench", "backrest=yes" ], "title": { "en": "Bench with Backrest", "nl": "Bankje met leuning" } }, { "tags": [ "amenity=bench", "backrest=no" ], "title": { "en": "Bench without backrest", "nl": "Bankje zonder leuning" }, "description": { "en": "", "nl": "" } }, { "tags": [ "leisure=picnic_table" ], "title": { "en": "Picnic Table", "nl": "Picknicktafel" } } ], "wayHandling": 1 }, { "id": "leisure=picnic_table", "name": { "en": "Picnic Tables", "nl": "Picknicktafels" }, "minzoom": 14, "overpassTags": { "and": [ "leisure=picnic_table" ] }, "title": { "render": { "en": "Picnic table", "nl": "Picknicktafel" }, "mappings": [] }, "description": { "en": "Picnic Tables", "nl": "Picknicktafels" }, "tagRenderings": [], "hideUnderlayingFeaturesMinPercentage": 0, "icon": { "render": "" }, "width": { "render": "8" }, "iconSize": { "render": "20,20,center" }, "color": { "render": "#00f" }, "presets": [], "wayHandling": 1 } ], "roamingRenderings": [] }