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Public-images-osm logo.svg highway = tertiary
三级公路,连接小城镇、或小城镇与城市的一般干线公路。 在wiki页中编辑此说明 在数据项中编辑此说明
OSM Carto中渲染
Rendering-highway tertiary carto.png
组: 道路
状态:已批准Page for proposal








在道路规划的层级中,三级道路可能被视为「collectordistributor roads」。然而,无论是经规划或发展中的路网,此标签常用作标记任何路网。使用此标签标记中等服务级别的道路,或只是比其他次级街道更发达或更常被使用的联络道路(如果在您绘制的区域,当地没有充分的道路规划或道路种类)。




  • name=名称 - 道路名称。例如:“五一路”;
  • maxspeed=数字 - 道路法定最高限速(公里每小时),例如:“40”;
  • minspeed=数字 - 表示行驶道路必须达到的最低限速;
  • ref=编制名称 - 道路的编制号码,请参见该地区道路的编号系统,例如“Y001”;
  • loc_name=名称 - 非官方或道路俗称;
  • maxweight=数字 - 最大载重限制(吨),例如“5.5”
  • surface=* - 道路路面材质说明。例如“unpaved”(未铺装);
  • width=数字est_width=数字 - 道路宽度(米),例如“4.5”;
  • lanes=数字 - 道路可用车道数,通常为“1”或“2”;若对向车辆通过不需减速,即使无中央分隔线,仍为「2」。






国家和地区 使用说明 更多详情
澳大利亚 Other roads linking towns, villages and Points of Interest to each other and the secondary network. In South Australia, roads that are classified as a 'D' route under the Alphanumeric system use this classification. Australian Roads Tagging
中国大陆 乡道或城市支路。
希腊 Unclassified roads that connect towns, villages and points of interest to each other and classified roads. WikiProject Greece § Road Network
萨尔瓦多 Roads whose traffic intensity is between one hundred and five hundred average vehicles per day, have six-meter platforms and are coated with selected local materials and a minimum span of six meters, fifty centimetres on bridges.[1]
葡萄牙 Attributed to Municipal Ways (with official ref=CM *) Maybe also used on roads without official reference, but which have lanes separated by a central line. Portugal's highways standardization
英国 There is a corresponding official alphabetic classification matching OSM's "tertiary" tag fairly well: 'C' roads. Note that this official designation is rarely seen on signs[2]. For the purposes of mapping, it's normally best to tag distributor roads according to their relative importance in the road hierarchy, as described above.

One rule of thumb for UK roads is that highway=tertiary works well for roads wider than 4 metres (13') in width, and for faster or wider minor roads that aren't 'A' or 'B' roads. In the UK, they tend to have dashed lines down the middle, whereas unclassified roads don't.

Always consider the road in its context too. Where it makes sense to do so, favour keeping the classification continuous on the map over strict adherence to physical criteria.

Roads in the United Kingdom
美国 Since most towns and villages are connected primarily by state roads and US roads, tertiary roads usually refer to the less busy county roads, and main connector roads through neighborhoods. It also can refer to roads without a ref=* that connect towns, ind addition to the criteria listed above.
委内瑞拉 Main roads in a city or rural area, driving traffic from an area onto a higher priority highway. Used when a main road cannot be solved well with a simple highway=residential (in urban areas) or highway=unclassified (in rural areas).

In densely populated cities, tertiary streets should be able to lead you through a large area or big neighborhood, directly and without interruptions, towards a higher priority road.

It is a main roads network inferior to highway=secondary.


  1. http://www.mop.gob.sv/archivo/leydecarreteras/legislacion/LeyDeCarreterasYCaminosVecinales.pdf
  2. The 'C' road classification is rarely publicized and frequently only used by local authorities, for maintenance and planning purposes. In England, responsibility for designating 'C' roads is usually vested in the county councils, each of which decides upon its own numbering system. A 'C' road crossing a county boundary will probably undergo a number change and may cease to be a 'C' road altogether. For more information, see Chris's British Road Directory: The Great C-Road Hunt
