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Public-images-osm logo.svg highway = primary
連結大型市鎮的道路。 編輯此說明
OSM Carto中渲染
Rendering-highway primary carto.png
組: 道路






  • name=名稱 - 道路名稱。例如:「中山路」「 Zhongshan Road」
  • maxspeed=數字 - 道路法定最高限速(公里每小時)。例如:「70」
  • minspeed=數字 - 表示行駛道路必須達到的最低限速
  • ref=編制名稱 - 道路的編制號碼。例如「1甲」、「1A」
  • loc_name=名稱 - 非官方或地方道路名稱
  • maxweight=數字 - 最大載重限制(噸)。例如「5.5」
  • surface=* - 道路路面材質說明。例如「asphalt(柏油)」
  • width=數字est_width=數字 - 道路寬度(公尺)。例如「30」
  • lanes=數字 - 道路可使用的車道數,常為「2」或「4」。若對向車輛通過不需減速,即使無中央分隔線,仍為「2」。



  • bridge=yes - 如果道路橫越街道或水路。
  • tunnel=yes - 如果道路穿越街道或水路下方。


國家 說明 更多詳情
Greece 2nd-tier National Roads WikiProject Greece § Road Network
Italy Strada Statale (SS) or Strada Regionale (SR) The "SSs" are mostly primary. You should also indicate the name of the highway, if it has one, example:

"SRs" can be tagged as primary as well, if they have a relevant role in linking two major cities.

In general the highway-tag is not representing the administrative class but the importance of the connection.

By default this kind of highway is rendered:

  • with a label carrying the "ref" field at lower zoom levels;
  • with the name of the highway at higher zoom levels.
New Zealand State Highways and strategic local roads All State Highways which do not meet the criteria for highway=trunk. Generally two lanes undivided with limited passing lanes and occasionally one-lane bridges.

Strategic local roads are generally the most important roads that are not State Highways. They may be multi-lane divided, or connect major airports, seaports or isolated areas of a city. Examples include South Eastern Highway and Manuaku Road in Auckland, Wairere Drive in Hamilton, and the "Four Avenues" in Christchurch.

Switzerland Hauptstrasse There are two kind of "Hauptstrassen" in Switzerland:
Example of a signpost for a numbered "Hauptstrasse"
Use multiple numbers separated by semikolon (;) if a segment is used by more than one numbered "Hauptstrasse". Example: ref=6;12
Example of a signpost for a normal primary highway

In contrast to other routes, for example cycling or hiking routes, we do not use relations to model numbered "Hauptstrassen" in Switzerland, use ref=number as described above.

United States Primary highway or arterial road. U.S. Highways are mostly primary. You should also indicate the name of the highway if it exists, example:

Some State Roads or State Routes may also be primary, if they have a significant role in linking two major cities.

By default this kind of highway is rendered:

  • with a label carrying the "ref" field at lower zoom levels;
  • with the name of the highway at higher zoom levels.
Brazil Via arterial urbana (urban arterial way), estrada estadual (state road), >50-60 km/h
Philippines Other national roads that is used as a city/ arterial road rather than an intercity road, or a connector, if it only feeds secondary/tertiary roads. Provincial roads linking municipalities with a major highway. Roads linking a city/municipal center (poblacion) with a major national highway. National roads usually fall as trunk highways, as they carry most intercity traffic, but some national roads should be tagged primary if they are usually roads serving local traffic in a city/rural area or a connector between two trunk highways, when it feeds roads tagged as secondary or tertiary.