Bus routes in Jakarta

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Bus routes in Jakarta, Indonesia

Mapping Jakarta's bus network.

Status started

This article lists bus routes in Jakarta operated by Transjakarta and some other companies. Many bus stops are mapped but the route relation is missing. The local public transport provider, Transjakarta, provides a dataset with all the bus trips, stops, and so on in the GTFS format. More info are available on their website.

Tagging scheme

This is only a suggestion based on the general public transport scheme and inspired by London public transport tagging scheme.

Bus routes

Bus routes are mapped as a hierarchy of:

  • Route Network
  • Route Masters
  • Routes
  • Bus Stops, Stop Positions and Ways

relation Relation type=route_master

Each bus Route must have a Route Master. Typically, there are two Routes per Route Master, each Route for each direction. However, there can be more than two if the line has multiple variation. There can be only one if the Route is a unidirectional circular route. Each route master must only contain the same line. If a line has one or more branches which deviate far from its main line, please consider grouping them into separate Route Masters.

Key Value
name Indicate the type of line and its line number. See Transjakarta website for more info.

Example: "Transjakarta BRT 1" means number 1 BRT route of Transjakarta

ref Line number.

Example : "1".

network Indicate the transport network.

Example: Transjakarta

operator Add "Transjakarta" as placeholder because Transjakarta has multiple operators and can be changed at anytime.
type route_master
route_master bus
public_transport:version 2

relation Relation type=route

There is one Route relation for each bus route direction or variant.

The members of a Route relation are Bus Stops, Bus Stop Positions, and Ways they are on. Bus Stops should have role "platform" for intermediate stops, "platform_entry_only" for first stops, or "platform_exit_only" for last stops. Stop Positions should have role "stop" for intermediate stops, "stop_entry_only" for first stops, or "stop_exit_only" for last stops. Ways meanwhile should have no role. This however is not mandatory because some last stops also allow passenger to board the bus because it is a circular or loop route. The Bus Stops and Stop Positions included in the Route are an ordered set from the first bus stop to the last bus stop. The Ways included in the Route are also an ordered set between the first bus stop and the last bus stop. The set of Bus Stops and Stop Positions appears before the set of Ways, within the Route.

These routes must be added to the related master route relation with an empty value for their role. More detail is available in the service routes section.

Key Value
name Same as the master route with the start stop and end stop

Example: "Transjakarta BRT 1: Kota → Blok M" means number 1 BRT route of Transjakarta from Kota to Blok M (southbound)

ref Line number without direction or destination

Example: "1"

type route
route bus
network Indicate the transport network.

Example: Transjakarta

operator Add "Transjakarta" as placeholder because Transjakarta has multiple operators and can be changed at anytime.
from Name of first stop
to Name of the last stop
public_transport:version 2

Bus stops

Bus rapid transit stations

The Institute for Transportation and Development Policy considered BRT stops as "station".[1] Because of its different passenger flow, payment method, and size, BRT stations are mapped a bit differently than standard bus stops.

BRT stations are mapped as a hierarchy of:

  • Stop Areas
  • Bus Stops, Stop Positions, and Buildings
relation Relation public_transport=stop_area

Members of a BRT station's Stop Area relation are Bus Stop with role "platform", Stop Positions with role "stop", and Building with role "building". A Stop Area can contain any number of Bus Stops and Stop Positions, which can be the BRT station itself or combined with regular bus stops around it.

Key Value
name Name of the main station.

Example: "Gelora Bung Karno"

type public_transport
public_transport stop_area
ref Station number

Example: "1-5"

network Transjakarta
node Tag highway=bus_stop

Typically, there is only one Bus Stop for each station. However, some stations are separated by a motorway and need to be mapped as two separate Stops (bus stations in Corridor 9, for example). Bus Stops should be placed in the center of a station's building or passenger area. BRT stations are tagged with both amenity=bus_station and highway=bus_stop to distinguish it from regular bus stop and still getting rendered in Transport Map layer.

Key Value
amenity bus_station
bus yes
departures_board Transjakarta BRT stations have LCD screens which display bus arrival time based on real-time GPS data, so please fill with:


highway bus_stop
name Name of the station.

Example: "Gelora Bung Karno"

network Transjakarta
operator Transjakarta
public_transport station
ref Station number

Example: "1-5"

shelter yes
node Tag public_transport=stop_position

A Stop Position identifies the position where the bus stops in the road. A Stop Position is therefore normally positioned on a way, next to the point where passenger board the bus. If a Stop Position is the first stop or the last stop of a bus route then the Stop Position is normally positioned at a split point of a way. A BRT station typically has two Stop Positions, but some central stations have multiple boarding gates that can be mapped as separate Stop Positions. Some stations only have one Stop Position because they only serve one-way road.

Key Value
bus yes
highway bus_stop
name Name of the station.

Example: "Gelora Bung Karno"

public_transport stop_position
ref Station number

Example: "1-5"

Regular roadside bus stops

Bus stops are mapped as a hierarchy of:

  • Stop Areas
  • Bus Stops and Stop Positions
relation Relation public_transport=stop_area

Members of a Stop Area relation are Bus Stop with role "platform", Stop Positions with role "stop", and Building with role "building". A Stop Area can contain any number of Bus Stops and Stop Positions, normally two stops on each side of a road.

Key Value
name Name of the bus stop, nearby POI, or nearby BRT station.

Example: "Gelora Bung Karno"

type public_transport
public_transport stop_area
network Transjakarta
node Tag highway=bus_stop

There is one Bus Stop node for each bus stop. A Bus Stop identifies the position where the passengers wait for the bus, bus stop sign, or shelter. A Bus Stop is therefore normally positioned alongside a way, adjacent to its corresponding Stop Position.

Key Value
bus yes
highway bus_stop
name Name of the stop.

Example: "Gelora Bung Karno 1"

network Transjakarta
operator Transjakarta
shelter Fill with "yes" if there is any
node Tag public_transport=stop_position

A Stop Position identifies the position where the bus stops in the road. A Stop Position is therefore normally positioned on a way, next to the point where passenger board the bus. If a Stop Position is the first stop or the last stop of a bus route then the Stop Position is normally positioned at a split point of a way.

Key Value
bus yes
highway bus_stop
name Name of the stop.

Example: "Gelora Bung Karno 1"

public_transport stop_position

Symbol and colour legend

The status of each map region is indicated by a symbol, which describes the type of feature, and a colour, which indicates the completeness of that feature in a map region.

Meaning of symbols

Symbol Meaning
Routing Route status
Stops Stops status

Meaning of colours

Colour Meaning To do
RoutingStops The map data is unknown Please verify and/or complete
Routing (0/4)Stops (0/4) The map contains no or little data Please complete
Routing (1/4)Stops (1/4) The map contains partial data Please complete
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) The map is largely complete (please describe missing data) Please complete
Routing (3/4)Stops (3/4) The map is complete (in the opinion of a mapper) Please check and correct any errors
Routing (4/4)Stops (4/4) The map is complete (verified by 2 mappers). Indicate Date when checked Please update as needed
Routing (X/4)Stops (X/4) The map data is present, but the route no longer exist. Please remove the route data


The numerical identifiers of OpenStreetMap elements can change when editing the map.
You can use Overpass api to create longer lasting links based on tags.

BRT routes

No. Destinations Route master Routes Status Notes
1 Blok M
relation 16739342 relation 16738414
relation 16739341
Routing (3/4)Stops (3/4) Checked on 24 June 2024
2 Pulo Gadung
Monumen Nasional
relation 6783311 relation 2922061
relation 6783310
Routing (3/4)Stops (3/4) Checked on 24 June 2024
2A Pulo Gadung
Rawa Buaya
relation 17193585 relation 17193583
relation 17193584
Routing (3/4)Stops (3/4) Checked on 24 June 2024
3 Kalideres
Monumen Nasional
relation 17027439 relation 17020066
relation 6194223
Routing (3/4)Stops (3/4) Checked on 24 June 2024
3F Kalideres
Gelora Bung Karno
relation 17193582 relation 17193580
relation 17193581
Routing (3/4)Stops (3/4) Checked on 24 June 2024
4 Pulo Gadung
relation 14717457 relation 6194224
relation 14717456
Routing (3/4)Stops (3/4) Checked on 24 June 2024
4D Pulo Gadung
relation 17208106 relation 17208104
relation 17208105
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the recommended guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

5 Kampung Melayu
relation 16871390 relation 16868145
relation 6194225
Routing (3/4)Stops (3/4) Checked on 24 June 2024
5C Cililitan
relation 17193591 relation 17193586
relation 17193590
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the recommended guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

5D Cililitan
relation 17194026 relation 17194024
relation 17194025
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the recommended guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

6 Ragunan
relation 17011751 relation 6197528
relation 16935748
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the recommended guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

6A Ragunan
Balai Kota
relation 17206158 relation 17206157
relation 17206156
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the recommended guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

6B Ragunan
Balai Kota
relation 17206161 relation 17206159
relation 17206160
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the recommended guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

6V Ragunan
Gelora Bung Karno
relation 17206164 relation 17206163
relation 17206162
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the recommended guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

7 Kampung Melayu

Kampung Rambutan

relation 16035086 relation 16035085
relation 2932283
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the recommended guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

7F Kampung Rambutan
relation 17193589 relation 17193587
relation 17193588
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the recommended guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

8 Lebak Bulus
Pasar Baru
relation 17027438 relation 6198078
relation 17019301
Routing (3/4)Stops (3/4) Checked on 24 June 2024
9 Pinang Ranti
relation 16935599 relation 6198079
relation 10042521
Routing (3/4)Stops (3/4) Checked on 24 June 2024
9A Cililitan
Kali Grogol
relation 16935598 relation 10049799
relation 10116953
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the recommended guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

9C Pinang Ranti
Bundaran Senayan
relation 17206882 relation 17206881
relation 17206880
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the recommended guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

9N Pinang Ranti

Simpang Cawang

relation 17676138 relation 17676136
relation 17676137
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4)
10 Tanjung Priok
relation 17003245 relation 16871501
relation 6198075
Routing (3/4)Stops (3/4) Checked on 24 June 2024
10D Tanjung Priok
Kampung Rambutan
relation 17208296 relation 17208297
relation 17208295
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the recommended guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

10H Tanjung Priok
Bundaran Senayan
relation 17205662 relation 17205660
relation 17205661
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the recommended guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

11 Pulogebang
Kampung Melayu
relation 17004173 relation 6198076
relation 17003390
Routing (3/4)Stops (3/4) Checked on 24 June 2024
12 Pluit
Tanjung Priok
relation 16873303 relation 6198077
relation 16871385
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the recommended guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

13 Ciledug
Tegal Mampang
relation 13251860 relation 13251859
relation 13251858
Routing (3/4)Stops (3/4) Checked on 24 June 2024
13C Puri Beta
Dukuh Atas
relation 17206327 relation 17206326
relation 17206325
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the recommended guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

L13E Puri Beta
Flyover Kuningan
relation 17206330 relation 17206328
relation 17206329
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the recommended guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

14 Jakarta International Stadium
relation 16732070 relation 16732069
relation 16732068
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the recommended guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

Non-BRT routes

No. Destinations Route master Routes Status Notes
1A Balai Kota
Pantai Maju
relation 17248440 relation 17248439
relation 17248441
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

1B Stasiun Palmerah
relation 17242458 relation 17241279
relation 17242457
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

1C Pesanggrahan

Blok M

Routing (0/4)Stops (0/4)
1E Pondok Labu
Blok M
relation 17268881 relation 17268868
relation 17268873
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

1F Stasiun Palmerah
Bundaran Senayan
relation 17242453 relation 17241280
relation 17242452
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

1H Tanah Abang
relation 17238533 relation 17238529
relation 17238532
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

1N Tanah Abang
Blok M
relation 17238534 relation 17218709
relation 17237388
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

1P Senen
Blok M
relation 17238535 relation 17218696
relation 17237387
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

1Q Rempoa
Blok M
relation 17268934 relation 3070516
relation 17268935
Routing (1/4)Stops (0/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the guideline above. Add stops

Checked 29 March 2024.

1R Senen
Tanah Abang
relation 17238536 relation 17218701
relation 17238528
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

2B Harapan Indah
Pulo Gadung
relation 17620964 relation 17620959
relation 17620958
Routing (3/4)Stops (3/4) Checked on 24 June 2024
2P Gondangdia
relation 17242310 relation 17242299
relation 17242309
Routing (3/4)Stops (3/4) Checked on 24 June 2024
2Q Gondangdia
relation 17242305 relation 17242300
relation 17242304
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

3H Stasiun Pesing
relation 17378220 relation 17378218
relation 17378219
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

3D Taman Kota
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the guideline above

Checked 24 June 2024.

3E Sentraland Cengkareng

Puri Kembangan

Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the guideline above

Checked 24 June 2024.

4B Stasiun Manggarai
Universitas Indonesia
relation 17251675 relation 17251674
relation 17251676
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

4C Pemuda Merdeka
Bundaran Senayan
relation 17218720 relation 17218712
relation 17218719
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

4F Pulo Gadung
Pinang Ranti
relation 17614926 relation 17614924
relation 17614925
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the guideline above

Checked 24 June 2024.

5B Bidara Cina

Stasiun Tebet

relation 17249160 relation 17249158
relation 17249159
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

5M Kampung Melayu

Tanah Abang

relation 17243076 relation 17243068
relation 17243075
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

5N Ragunan

Kampung Melayu

relation 17249171 relation 17249170
relation 17249161
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

6C Stasiun Tebet


relation 17250080 relation 17250075
relation 17250079
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

6D Stasiun Tebet

Bundaran Senayan

relation 17250078 relation 17250076
relation 17250077
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

6H Senen

Lebak Bulus

relation 17401497 relation 17248985
relation 17248993
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

6K Patra Kuningan


relation 17251022 relation 17251021
relation 17251020
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

6M Stasiun Manggarai

Blok M

relation 17243314 relation 17243312
relation 17243313
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

6N Ragunan

Blok M

relation 17268246 relation 17268245
relation 17268244
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

6Q Dukuh Atas


Routing (0/4)Stops (1/4)
6W Duren Tiga

Blok M

relation 17293381 relation 17293998
relation 17293380
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

7A Kampung Rambutan

Lebak Bulus

relation 17193332 relation 16034723
relation 16035221
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

7B Kampung Rambutan

Blok M

relation 17293376 relation 17293374
relation 17293375
Routing (1/4)Stops (1/4) Add route and stops from PGC to Kampung Rambutan

Checked 29 March 2024.


Tegal Parang

relation 17302950 relation 17302948
relation 17302949
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

7E Kampung Rambutan


relation 17261794 relation 17261792
relation 17261793
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

7P Pondok Kelapa

Cawang Sentral

Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the guideline above

Checked 24 June 2024.

7Q Blok M


relation 17293379 relation 17293377
relation 17293378
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

7R Cibubur


relation 17295487 Routing (1/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the guideline above, add route master

Checked 29 March 2024.

7T Cibubur

Tanjung Priok

relation 17295486 Routing (1/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the guideline above, add route master

Checked 29 March 2024.

7U Cibubur


relation 17295485 Routing (1/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the guideline above, add route master

Checked 29 March 2024.

7V Cibubur

Kampung Rambutan

relation 17295484 relation 17295482
relation 17295483
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

7W Cawang
Stasiun Kereta Cepat Halim
relation 17265552 Routing (1/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the guideline above, add route master

Checked 29 March 2024.

8C Kebayoran Lama
Tanah Abang
relation 17378721 relation 17378684
relation 17378720
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

8D Joglo

Blok M

Routing (0/4)Stops (0/4)
8E Bintaro

Blok M

Routing (0/4)Stops (0/4)
8K Batusari


Routing (0/4)Stops (0/4)
8M Tanah Abang
Tanjung Duren
relation 17379836 relation 17379817
relation 17379835
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

9D Pasar Minggu
Tanah Abang
relation 17243241 relation 17243161
relation 17243240
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

9E Kebayoran
relation 17378711 relation 17378685
relation 17378710
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

9H Pasar Minggu
relation 17253432
relation 17253438
Routing (1/4)Stops (1/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the guideline above. Add route to Cipedak and route master.

Checked 29 March 2024.

11D Pulo Gebang

Pulo Gadung

Routing (0/4)Stops (0/4)
11Q Kampung Melayu

Pulo Gebang

Routing (0/4)Stops (0/4)
12A Kota


relation 17375482 relation 17375260
relation 17375481
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

12B Pluit


relation 17375496 relation 17375495
relation 17375494
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

12P Stasiun LRT Pegangsaan
relation 17257219 relation 17257217
relation 17257218
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

14A Juanda
Jakarta International Stadium
relation 17372600 relation 17372599
relation 17372598
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

14B Tanjung Priok
relation 17378033 relation 17378032
relation 17378015
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

Intercity routes

No. Destinations Route master Routes Status Notes
7C Cibubur

Cawang Cililitan

relation 17295490 relation 17295488
relation 17295489
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

B11 Summarecon Bekasi


relation 17306609 relation 17310018
relation 17306608
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

B21 Bekasi Timur


relation 17306611 relation 17310041
relation 17306610
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

D11 Depok

Cawang Sentral

relation 17295492 relation 17295491
relation 17295744
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

D21 Universitas Indonesia

Lebak Bulus

relation 17261859 relation 17261857
relation 17261858
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.



S21 Kejaksaan Agung


S22 Ciputat

Kampung Rambutan

T11 Poris Plawad


T12 Poris Plawad



Mikrotrans routes

No. Destinations Route master Routes Status Notes
JAK.06 Kampung Rambutan
Pondok Gede
relation 17335386 relation 17335385
relation 17335384
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

JAK.25 Kampung Rambutan


relation 17327948 relation 17327946
relation 17327947
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

JAK.28 Pasar Rebo
Stasiun LRT Harjamukti
relation 17331453 relation 17331452
relation 17331451
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

Royaltrans routes

No. Destinations Route master Routes Status Notes
1K Cibubur
Blok M
relation 17295494 relation 17295493
relation 17295746
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

6P Cibubur
relation 17295498 relation 17295497
relation 17295748
Routing (1/4)Stops (1/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the guideline above. Add route from Simpang Kuningan to Setiabudi Utara.

Checked 29 March 2024.

B13 Bekasi Barat
Blok M
relation 17306607 relation 14302678
relation 17306606
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.

S12 Terminal BSD


relation 15053676 relation 15053675
relation 15053674
Routing (2/4)Stops (2/4) Fix tag and relation member of the route and its stops based on the guideline above

Checked 29 March 2024.
