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See Channel Tunnel#1989 Traverse for context, and Channel Tunnel/1989-Traverse.gpx for generated output.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Paul Sladen 2013-05-12
import math
# Korittke, N.; "Influence of horizontal Refraction on the traverse Measurements
# in Tunnels with Small Diameters"
# Institute for Deposits and Surveying, DMT, Bochum, W-Germany
earth_radius = 6378137
bt = {'Great Britain 1989-03 Zig-Zag-Traverse': {
# WGS84, corner of top of ramp, from Bing imagery/OSM mapping
'initial': ('A2/1', 51.1064385,1.2782458),
'data': (
# Each ring-number is 1.5-metres in length
("MTS2",56.5071,0.499), # Base of Adit A2
("MTS1",122.8067,0.655), # Base of Adit A1
'Great Britain 1989-12 Centre-Line-Traverse': {
# WGS84, centre of top of ramp via Bing imagery/OSM mapping
'initial': ('A2T', 51.106446,1.278199),
'data': (
# Each ring-number is 1.5-metres in length
output = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<gpx version="1.0">
Paul Sladen, May 2013, for OpenStreetMap reference purposes
Projected (using a simple spheroid model) into WGS84 from two
estimated starting points at the top of Shakespeare Cliff Adit A2
and then integrating over the two sets of Bearing+Distance pairs
surveyed in 1989, and published in:
Korittke, Norbert (1989)
"Influence of horizontal Refraction on the traverse Measurements
in Tunnels with Small Diameters"
Deutsche Montan Technologie/Institute for Deposits and Surveying, Bochum, W-Germany p.13,14
Tunnel chainages for the waypoint markers have been auto-generated from the
stated marine service tunnel bore ring-number using an estimate of:
chainage 19.841 + 0.0015062 * (ring_count - 1)
number = 1
for name, survey in bt.items():
bearing_traverse = survey['data']
initial_latlon = survey['initial'][1:3]
initial_name = survey['initial'][0]
year_month = name[name.index('1989'):name.index('1989')+7]
lat1, lon1 = math.radians(initial_latlon[0]), math.radians(initial_latlon[1])
R = earth_radius
path = [(initial_latlon[0], initial_latlon[1], initial_name)]
output += """<wpt lat="%f" lon="%f"><name>%s</name></wpt>\n""" % path[-1]
already_traversed = 0
for ring, bearing, traverse in bearing_traverse:
# surveyors use gradians (gon)
brng = math.radians(bearing*360/400)
d = 1000 * (traverse - already_traversed)
# based on
# the original fails to mention that you need to work in radians everywhere
# which is obvious, I guess
lat2 = math.asin( math.sin(lat1)*math.cos(d/R) + math.cos(lat1)*math.sin(d/R)*math.cos(brng) )
lon2 = lon1 + math.atan2(math.sin(brng)*math.sin(d/R)*math.cos(lat1), math.cos(d/R)-math.sin(lat1)*math.sin(lat2));
chainage = str((int(ring)-1)*0.0015062+19.841)[:6].replace('.','+')
ring = ring + ' Ch' + chainage
already_traversed = traverse
lat1, lon1 = lat2, lon2
output += """<wpt lat="%f" lon="%f"><name>%s</name></wpt>\n""" % path[-1]
output += """<time>%s-31T00:00:00Z</time>
<trk><name>%s</name><number>%d</number><trkseg>\n""" % (year_month, name, number)
for p in path:
output += """<trkpt lat="%f" lon="%f"></trkpt>\n""" % p[0:2]
output += """</trkseg></trk>\n"""
number += 1
output += """</gpx>\n"""
print output