Christchurch Traveller Information Project

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This page describes a historic artifact in the history of OpenStreetMap. It does not reflect the current situation, but instead documents the historical concepts, issues, or ideas.
This page documents an organised mapping effort that occured 12 years ago.
Captured time

Progress after five days of mapping

The Christchurch Traveller Information Project aims to create a fully routable road network for the city. This will help trip planning services reflect changes which have happened during the earthquake rebuild and suggest better routes through Christchurch. The work is being done as a subproject of the LINZ Canterbury SDI Programme Open Data project.

Five mappers worked on the first pass of edits from 26-30 August 2013. Local knowledge and aerial imagery were used to tag roads and intersections with information useful for routing software. This was a manual process of going through each intersection by hand rather than bulk importing data. Intersections were also surveyed to pick up turn restrictions and other features not visible from aerial imagery.

There is ongoing work to expand the area covered to Kaiapoi, Rangiora, Rolleston & Lincoln.

We are really interested in hearing from local mappers and data users about what needs fixing first and how to make the network more useful for everyone. Get in touch with User:duncantichch.

Editing Process

Standard OSM tags for routing are being used to tag roads. We are focusing specifically on the following features:

Central City Road Closures

Temporary road closures in the central city are not being captured as we need to work out how they can be maintained once the project winds down. Another group is preparing an open data feed of these road closures, so it is best they are left out of the map for the time being.


The following project specific accounts are being used:


Potlatch 2 is being used in combination with the OSM Tasking Manager. We are using the 2011 post-earthquake aerial imagery supplied by LINZ under creative commons cc by and being served by Environment Canterbury for use by OSM mappers.

Imagery URL


Potlatch 2


