Dallas County Texas address import

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This import is on hold as of September 2021. The Dallas County file in the TNRIS 2021 dataset is currently incomplete. Additionally, the 2019 dataset does not add much on top of what's already in OSM - it's likely the dataset includes data from sources used in prior imports.


To import public address data for Dallas County to improve navigation.

Prior Work

Some addresses already exist in the Dallas area from prior imports: Microsoft Building Import - North Central Texas, Dadash cam footagellas Import, and Dallas-Fort Worth cities import

Comparing Prior Work to New Data

The TNRIS datasets can be imported directly into JOSM as a layer. To get the set of buildings with addresses currently in OSM, I downloaded the Texas map from Geofabrik and filtered it through several CLI tools:

  • crop to dallas county with osmosis
    • bounding box: (32.98993,-97.03271) to (32.54531,-96.52323)
    • output to .o5m for osmfilter
bzcat texas-latest-2021-9-13.osm.bz2 | osmosis  --read-xml enableDateParsing=no file=-  --bounding-box top=32.98993 left=-97.03271 bottom=32.54531 right=-96.52323 --write-xml file=- | osmconvert - -o=extract-dallas-county.o5m
  • filter out objects without addresses using osmfilter
osmfilter extract-dallas-county.o5m --keep="addr:*=*" -o=filter-addr-dallas-county.o5m
  • convert result to `.osm.bz2` (for JOSM)
osmconvert filter-addr-dallas-county.o5m | bzip2 > extract-dallas-county.osm.bz2

Sources and Permissions

Address data will come from the 2021 set published by TNRIS and State of Texas 9-1-1 Service Entities. This data is released with a CC0 public domain license. It is subdivided at the county level, and includes a shapefile, geodatabase, and conversion file.


JOSM will be used to import the addresses. Some parts of the county already have addresses, so care will be taken to avoid duplicating any data.


Test Importing

An area West of Downtown Garland, around the police station, will be used. It does not have any addresses yet, and includes a mix of residential and commercial buildings.

Test Merging With Existing Addresses

Ideally, an area with a mixture of existing swaths of addresses and individually-added addresses will be used.