Foundation/Local Chapters/United States/Minutes-2015-04-07
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- Alyssa
- Ian
- Martijn
- Alex
- Charlotte Wolter (guest)
- Clifford Snow (Guest)
- 7 cities signed up.
- Blog post merged
- Martijn to ask Mikel about stats / visuals
- Remind organizers to take pictures and use hashtag (Alex / Martijn).
Finances / 501(c)(3)
- We have a real Wells Fargo account now.
- Everyone should add themselves as signers, involves going to a local WF branch. Ian will prepare.
- Ian deposited sponsorship checks into this new account
- Money from regions account will be transferred over,
- No updates from Debbie. Ian will touch base.
- Ball is not in our court for taxes, but is for 501(c)(3)
- Everything for 2013 is in order.
- Alex will fill out budget prediction forms and get those over to Mark, this is the last thing in our court.
- Randy Hale still has full access to Regions accounts and has helped us out when we got locked out, nobody else lives close to a regions branch.
- Clifford and Charlotte started a discussion around improving communication with the objective of growing the community, people who map, everywhere.
- Move beyond the traditional map enthusiasts, GIS professionals.
- Diversity - attract more people from underrepresented groups in OSM.
- Charlotte has background as a journalist, thinking about reaching out to journalists but also teachers, small businesses.
- Alyssa asks if there is already a set of goals, a plan.
- Charlotte offers that writing and spreading press releases is cheap.
- Mapathons in the local news. Charlotte could support with finding.
- Bottom up approach would work to get the human interest angle, have local groups stand on their own with our support.
- Build local lists of press outlets.
- Can we use missing maps to grow the community?
- First project: organize a missing maps mapathon in your local community. We supply a support package.
- Clifford and Charlotte to organize and get back to board with a plan for July.