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amenity |
Opis |
Za označavanje važnih usluga za posjetitelje i stanovnike |
Grupa: Amenities |
Koristi se na ovim elementima |
Dokumentirane vrijednosti: 313 |
Korisna kombinacija |
Status: de facto |
Alati za ovu oznaku |
Koristiti za usluge za posjetitelje i stanovnike: zahod, telefon, banke, ljekarne, škole.
Amenity Koristiti za usluge za posjetitelje i stanovnike: zahod, telefon, banke, ljekarne, škole.
Key | Value | Element | Comment | Rendering | Photo | |
Prehrana | ||||||
amenity | bar | Mjesto gdje se prodaje pivo i alkohlna pića,može ponuditi i smještaj i hranu (UK). Pogledaj opis amenity=bar i amenity=pub za razlike između bara i puba. | ||||
amenity | biergarten | Mjesto na otvorenom gdje se poslužuje pivo i ostala pića te lokalna hrana. | ||||
amenity | cafe | Kafić. | ||||
amenity | fast_food | Restoran brze hrane (vidi i amenity=restaurant). Koja se kuhinja služi može se označiti sa cuisine=* te diet:*=*. | ||||
amenity | food_court | Područje s više različitih restorana koji dijele prostor za sjedenje. Često u trgovačkim centrima, zračnim lukama itd. | ||||
amenity | ice_cream | Ice cream shop or ice cream parlour. A place that sells ice cream and frozen yoghurt over the counter | ||||
amenity | pub | Mjesto gdje se poslužuju povo i druga alkoholna pića: također može nuditi hranu i smještaj (UK). Pogleaj opis za amenity=bar iamenity=pub za razlike između bara i puba. | ||||
amenity | restaurant | Restoran (ne restoran brze hrane, vidi amenity=fast_food). Kuhinja koja se poslužuje može se označiti sa cuisine=* te diet:*=*. | ||||
Obrazovanje | ||||||
amenity | college | Visokoškolske ustanove (veleučilišta). Vidjeti i amenitiy=university. | ||||
amenity | dancing_school | A dancing school or dance studio | ||||
amenity | driving_school | Driving School which offers motor vehicle driving lessons | ||||
amenity | first_aid_school | A place where people can go for first aid courses. | ||||
amenity | kindergarten | Vrtić, za djecu predškolske dobi. | ||||
amenity | language_school | Language School: an educational institution where one studies a foreign language. | ||||
amenity | library | Knjižnica ( gradska, nacionalna, sveučilišna, ...). | ||||
amenity | surf_school | A surf school is an establishment that teaches surfing. | ||||
amenity | toy_library | A place to borrow games and toys, or play with them on site. | ||||
amenity | research_institute | An establishment endowed for doing research. | ||||
amenity | training | Public place where you can get training. | ||||
amenity | music_school | A music school, an educational institution specialized in the study, training, and research of music. | ||||
amenity | school | Škola. | ||||
amenity | traffic_park | Juvenile traffic schools | ||||
amenity | university | Sveučilišni campus ili zgrade. Sveučilišni fakulteti. Koristiti i operator=*, te multipoligon za kampus s više zgrada. | ||||
Transport | ||||||
amenity | bicycle_parking | Parkiralište za bicikle. | ||||
amenity | bicycle_repair_station | General tools for self-service bicycle repairs, usually on the roadside; no service | ||||
amenity | bicycle_rental | Iznajmljivanje bicikla. | ||||
amenity | bicycle_wash | Clean a bicycle | ||||
amenity | boat_rental | Rent a Boat | ||||
amenity | boat_sharing | Share a Boat | ||||
amenity | bus_station | May also be tagged as public_transport=station. | ||||
amenity | car_rental | Iznajmljivanje automobila. | ||||
amenity | car_sharing | Automobili za javno korištenje. | ||||
amenity | car_wash | Autopraonica. | ||||
amenity | compressed_air | A device to inflate tires/tyres (e.g. motorcar, bicycle) | ||||
amenity | vehicle_inspection | Government vehicle inspection | ||||
amenity | charging_station | Uređaji za punjenje elektičnih automobila. | ||||
amenity | driver_training | A place for driving training on a closed course | ||||
amenity | ferry_terminal | Trajektni terminal. Gdje se automobili, ljudi i slično ukrcavaju na trajekt. | ||||
amenity | fuel | Benzinska stanica, pumpa, priključne ceste do benzinske su označene kao highway=service. | ||||
amenity | grit_bin | Spremnik kamene soli za posipanje cesta zimi. | ||||
amenity | motorcycle_parking | Parking for motorcycles | ||||
amenity | parking | Parkiralište za automobile. Točke i područja će dobtit "P" simbol. Područja će biti obojana. Ceste na parkiralištu su označene highway=service i service=parking_aisle. | ||||
amenity | parking_entrance | Ulaz ili izlaz u podzemnu garažu ili garažnu s nekoliko katova. Grupu ulaza zajedno označiti s relacijom koristeći oznake type=site i site=parking. Ne zamjenjivati s amenity=parking. | Underground Multi-storey | |||
amenity | parking_space | Pojedinačno parkirno mjesto . Grupu parkirnih mjesta zajedno označiti s relacijom koristeći oznake type=site i site=parking. Ne zamjenjivati s amenity=parking. | ||||
amenity | taxi | Mjesto gdje taksi čeka putnike. | ||||
amenity | weighbridge | A large weight scale to weigh vehicles and goods | ||||
Financije | ||||||
amenity | atm | Bankomat | ||||
amenity | payment_terminal | Self-service payment kiosk/terminal | ||||
amenity | bank | Banka (za banku koja ima i bankomat, poželjno je da se doda točka za svaki bankomat). | ||||
amenity | bureau_de_change | Mjenječnica currency exchange, Wechsel, cambio – mjesto gdje se novac može promjeniti u drugu valutu. | ||||
amenity | money_transfer | A place that offers money transfers, especially cash to cash | ||||
amenity | payment_centre | A non-bank place, where people can pay bills of public and private services and taxes. | ||||
Zdravstvo | ||||||
amenity | baby_hatch | Mjesto gdje se novorođenče može anonimono ostaviti za posvajanje. | ||||
amenity | clinic | A medium-sized medical facility or health centre. | ||||
amenity | dentist | Stomatološka ordinacija/ kirurgija. | ||||
amenity | doctors | Liječnička ordinacija, poliklinika. | ||||
amenity | hospital | Bolnica; često zajedno s emergency=* da se naznači ima li bolnica hitnu službu ili ne (A&E (brit.) or ER (am.)). | ||||
amenity | nursing_home | Dom za stare i nemoćne osobe. Vidi social_facility=* za više detalja. | ||||
amenity | pharmacy | Ljekarna dispensing=yes (ako prodaje i lijekove na recept) dispensing=no or omitted (ako se prodaju samo lijekovi bez recepta). |
amenity | social_facility | Mjesto koje pruža socijalne usluge. | ||||
amenity | veterinary | Veterinarska stanica. | ||||
Zabava, umjetnost i kultura | ||||||
amenity | arts_centre | Umjetnički centar. | ||||
amenity | brothel | Bordel – javna kuća | ||||
amenity | casino | A gambling venue with at least one table game(e.g. roulette, blackjack) that takes bets on sporting and other events at agreed upon odds. | ||||
amenity | cinema | Kino dvorana, kino na otvorenom. | ||||
amenity | community_centre | Mjesto gdje se održavaju sastanci, priredbe, festivali, radionice. Poznato kao vatrogasni dom. | ||||
amenity | conference_centre | A large building that is used to hold a convention | ||||
amenity | events_venue | A building specifically used for organising events | ||||
amenity | exhibition_centre | An exhibition centre | ||||
amenity | fountain | Fontana povijesna/ukrasna. | ||||
amenity | gambling | A place for gambling, not being a shop=bookmaker, shop=lottery, amenity=casino, or leisure=adult_gaming_centre.
Games that are covered by this definition include bingo and pachinko. |
amenity | love_hotel | A love hotel is a type of short-stay hotel operated primarily for the purpose of allowing guests privacy for sexual activities. | ||||
amenity | music_venue | An indoor place to hear contemporary live music. | ||||
amenity | nightclub | Noćni klub. | ||||
amenity | planetarium | A planetarium. | ||||
amenity | public_bookcase | A street furniture containing books. Take one or leave one. | ||||
amenity | social_centre | A place for free and not-for-profit activities. | ||||
amenity | stage | A raised platform for performers. | ||||
amenity | stripclub | Mjesto koje nudi striptiz ili ples u krilu (za seksualne usluge koristite amenity=brothel). | ||||
amenity | studio | TV, radio ili diskografski studio. | ||||
amenity | swingerclub | Klub gdje se sastaju osobe za grupni seks. | ||||
amenity | theatre | Kazalište ili opera. | ||||
Public Service | ||||||
amenity | courthouse | Sud, zgrada suda. | ||||
amenity | fire_station | Vatrogasna postaja. | ||||
amenity | police | Policijska postaja. | ||||
amenity | post_box | Poštanski sandučić, alternativni nosači pošte mogu se označiti preko operator=*. | ||||
amenity | post_depot | Post depot or delivery office, where letters and parcels are collected and sorted prior to delivery. | ||||
amenity | post_office | Poštanski ured. | ||||
amenity | prison | Zatvor. | ||||
amenity | ranger_station | National Park visitor headquarters: official park visitor facility with police, visitor information, permit services, etc | ||||
amenity | townhall | Zgrada gradske vjećnice. | ||||
Facilities | ||||||
amenity | bbq | Roštilj (na izletištima i sl.), može se staviti i oznaka za ogrijev fuel=*. Za logorske vatre korisititi leisure=firepit. | ||||
amenity | bench | Klupa za sjedenje i odmor. | ||||
amenity | dog_toilet | Area designated for dogs to urinate and excrete. | ||||
amenity | dressing_room | Area designated for changing clothes. | ||||
amenity | drinking_water | Pitka voda. | ||||
amenity | give_box | A small facility where people drop off and pick up various types of items in the sense of free sharing and reuse. | ||||
amenity | lounge | A comfortable waiting area for customers, usually found in airports and other transportation hubs. Typically has extra amenities or sustenance. | ||||
amenity | mailroom | A mailroom for receiving packages or letters. | ||||
amenity | parcel_locker | Machine for picking up and sending parcels | ||||
amenity | shelter | Sklonište u slučaju lošeg vremena za bicikliste, planinare, ... Za dodatni opis koristiti shelter_type=*. | ||||
amenity | shower | Javni tuš. | ||||
amenity | telephone | Telefonska govornica. | ||||
amenity | toilets | Javni zahod (može zahtjevati naknadu). | ||||
amenity | water_point | Place where you can get large amounts of drinking water | ||||
amenity | watering_place | Mjesto na kojemu životinje mogu piti vodu. | ||||
Waste Management | ||||||
amenity | sanitary_dump_station | A place for depositing human waste from a toilet holding tank. | ||||
amenity | recycling | Objekti za reciklažu. Kombinirati s recycling_type=container za kontjnere ili recycling_type=centre za reciklažne centre. | ||||
amenity | waste_basket | Ulična kanta za otpad. | ||||
amenity | waste_disposal | Mjesto na kojem se odlaže otpad (javni kontejner). | ||||
amenity | waste_transfer_station | A waste transfer station is a location that accepts, consolidates and transfers waste in bulk. | ||||
Ostalo | ||||||
amenity | animal_boarding | Mjesto gdje se dovode kućni ljubimci te za određeni novac mogu boraviti (hrana i održavanje uključeni) – Hotel za životinje. | ||||
amenity | animal_breeding | A facility where animals are bred, usually to sell them | ||||
amenity | animal_shelter | Sklonište gdje se životinje oporavljaju. | ||||
amenity | animal_training | A facility used for non-competitive animal training | ||||
amenity | baking_oven | An oven used for baking bread and similar, for example inside a building=bakehouse. | ||||
amenity | clock | Sat na javnom mjestu. | ||||
amenity | crematorium | Krematorij. | ||||
amenity | dive_centre | A dive center is the base location where sports divers usually start scuba diving or make dive guided trips at new locations. | ||||
amenity | funeral_hall | A place for holding a funeral ceremony, other than a place of worship. | ||||
amenity | grave_yard | Manje mjesto za pokope, obično uz samu crkvu/kapelicu. Veća groblja (gradsko groblje i sl.) trebaju biti označena sa landuse=cemetery. | ||||
amenity | hunting_stand | Čeka - natkrivena platforma za lovce koji čekaju divljač. | ||||
amenity | internet_cafe | A place whose principal role is providing internet services to the public. | ||||
amenity | kitchen | A public kitchen in a facility to use by everyone or customers | ||||
amenity | kneipp_water_cure | Outdoor foot bath facility. Usually this is a pool with cold water and handrail. Popular in German speaking countries. | ||||
amenity | lounger | An object for people to lie down. | ||||
amenity | marketplace | Tržnica, štandovi na otvorenom. | ||||
amenity | monastery | Monastery is the location of a monastery or a building in which monks and nuns live. | ||||
amenity | mortuary | A morgue or funeral home, used for the storage of human corpses. | ||||
amenity | photo_booth | A stand to create instant photos. | ||||
amenity | place_of_mourning | A room or building where families and friends can come, before the funeral, and view the body of the person who has died. | ||||
amenity | place_of_worship | Crkva, džamija, hram i sl. Treba dodati oznake religion=*, denomination=* te je poželjno name=* kao i amenity=place_of_worship. Vidi the article za detalje. | ||||
amenity | public_bath | A location where the public may bathe in common, etc. japanese onsen, turkish bath, hot spring | ||||
Ne korisititi! Pogledaj building=public. | ||||||
amenity | refugee_site | A human settlement sheltering refugees or internally displaced persons | ||||
amenity | vending_machine | Automat za prodaju dobara - karti, cigareta, slatkiša... Dodati tip dobara koja se prodaju vending=*. | ||||
amenity | user defined | All commonly used values according to Taginfo |
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