Import/Maine E911 Roads
This is a draft |
See also:
Improve Routing in Maine.
- Add missing roads
- Fix details of existing roads (geometry, names, class, surface)
- Verify route relations, ref tags
- This will not fix one-way tags, I can't find useful data.
Planning, seeking collaborators and consensus.
Data Sources
Primary Data Source: Road Details and Geometry
- Maine Data Catalog
- Maine Roads - NG911 select the green rectangle for a shape file
- I have verified that the license is compatible with OSM
- Islands are included as "roads"
- Has the following interesting fields:
SPEED is too unreliable to useONEWAY is too unreliable to use- PREDIR, STREETNAME, POSTDIR, SUFFIX =>
- Has no punctuation, sometimes conflicts with street signs, abbreviations need expanding.
RDCLASS=Vehicular Trail
,RDCLASS=Paper Street
Exclude these, they are islands or planned streets.
- ROUTE_NUM (sample values: "", "0", "100A", "11/100/139", "Route 1") There's no indication if there are ME or US?
- RDNAME used as a foreign key to in
MEDOT Public Roads
- MEDOT Public Roads
- Contains only public roads (a subset of E911)
- Has the following interesting fields
- strtname (as a foreign key to RDNAME in E911)
- num_lanes
- surfc_type (Flexible, Unimproved, Gravel, Other, High rigid, Water, Port cement comp)
- speed_lim (This seems more accurate?)
- speedsrc (Posted, Unposted)
- faadt (daily traffic)
- capacity (hourly design capacity)
- fedfunccls (Interstate, Local, Major Collector, Minor Arterial, Minor Collector, Other Freeway or Expressway, Other Principal Arterial)
- Maine Roads - NG911 select the green rectangle for a shape file
Secondary Data Sources: Alignment
- Strava Heatmap
- Bing Satellite Imagery
- Bing & Mapillary Street Side imagery
Open in JOSM, convert .shp to .osm, use this script with this tool to perform these changes:
Click on BOLD tags to see exact translation.
- RDCLASS ᐅ highway=*, service=*, access=*, ownership=*, emergency=*
- highway=residential may be secondary, tertiary, or residential
- highway=road might not be a highway at all
- ONEWAY ᐅ oneway=yes oneway is sometimes missing
- ROUTE_NUM ᐅ ref=*, alt_name=*
- OBJECTID ᐅ Gets stashed in the 'User' metadata field
SPEED + ' mph' ᐅ maxspeed=*speed is unreliable in E911 data, so not included
Then "simplify" and "dissolve" the result.
Act 1: Repair Missing or Misnamed Roads
- Get an OSM extract
- Either from (daily)
- Or (minutely)
- Use OSM pipeline to Create a file of "missing" public roads.
- Should I include private roads too? Clearly public roads are more important
- Find all E911 Road Nodes which don't have any similarly named OSM Road Nodes near them.
- Slice it into manageable pieces with upload=never
- Distribute the missing roads file somehow? The whole file really isn't that big. But how do you keep multiple mappers from stepping on toes?
- Use Task Manager (somehow?) to coordinate mappers?
- Manual review with JOSM, maybe with a session file?
- OSM Maine snapshot?
- Translated E911_Maine_Roads
- OSMInspector Address validation
- Strava Layer (for geometry)
- Bing Imagery
- Commits will include specific tags, and messages? A link to this site?
- Using these changeset tags
Act 2: Fix Geometry and details of existing roads
Could suggest a highway tag based on context: straightness, length, connectivity, Ref tags, membership in a relation, Highlight extreme differences
Find another source for speed limits? (E911 isn't accurate)
Highlight one-way differences between the data source and OSM
Remove these Tiger tags
- name_* (should become alt_name)
- tiger:county
- tiger:name_base*
- tiger:name_type
- tiger:zip_left*
- tiger:zip_right*
- tiger:reviewed
- tiger:source
- tiger:upload_uuid
- tiger:cfcc
- tiger:separated
- source
- created_by
- oneway=yes
Maybe keep these tags:
- tiger:tlid (for reference?)
Act 3: Repair Routes
Relations and ref tags
This has official names of ME routes:
Route relations should have wikidata or wikipedia tags.
Route relations should have a network tag.
Act 4: Validation
- All highway={motorway, trunk, primary, secondary, tertiary, residential} should have a name= or noname=, or should be changed to a service road
- There shouldn't be any severe jumps between connected highway types. (No Motorway should touch a residential road)
Data sources
- As a result of the address import, it is easy to find roads with missing names or wrong names usig GeoFabrik's Address validation layer.
- In iD: go to Background Settings -> Custom ->{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
- There is street level view from Bing maps
- In iD: go to Map Data -> Photo Overlays -> Bing Streetside.
- There is a tools that highlights missing road names
- In iD: go to Background Settings -> Custom ->{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
- Maine has an E911 road layer GIS data (Warning, road names are missing punctuation)
- In iD: use this iD fork. But it would need for the schema to be translated.
- There is also recent Tiger data available.
- In iD: go to Background Settings -> Overlays -> TIGER Roads 2019 (or most recent)
Possible Collaborators
Please add your username to this list if you want to plan, implement, or validate this project.
- blackboxlogic
- tmerc58
- Alan Bragg
- vorpalblade
- aweech
- ZeLonewolf (maybe just municipal boundaries)
- pokey
- St Pauls
- emulsi
- mtc
Questions that need to be answered
What should happen to tiger:reviewed=no tags? Is Maine's data source enough to claim that it is reviewed.
How to slice Maine into manageable chunks? I've set up taskmanager for Franklin County. "Draft" is at
Who is going to be doing work?
Which roads should get noname tags?
Should I generate josm session files? What should they have in them? Should I include subject data, or will it get stale?
Should I trust max_speed? NO. Not from E911. Maybe from MEDOT? Should I include source:maxspeed?
Should alt_names be "Route 302" or "State Route 302" or "Maine State Route 302"? Should it be "US Route 1", or "U.S. Route 1"? "Route 1A" or "Route 1 Bypass"?
There are some "roads" that are lakes, there are some "roads" that are islands
Do people have github accounts? Could that: Track issues, track progress, distribute files.
What to do when there is a naming conflict between osm and E911 data