Import/South KC address import
(South KC Address Import) is an import of address points covering the Kansas City area in Jackson County, Missouri, south of the Missouri River. The import is currently (as of (07/25/18)) at the planning stage.
At this time large chunks of North East KC have addresses, as well as many businesses. However, most of the houses in the city are not tagged with addresses. Personally speaking, this has made navigation using OSM quite unpleasant.
The City of Kansas City provides a map of all sorts of public infrastructure, including address points, which can be exported for free as a CSV file. We plan to import these address points into OSM. At this time, the data set only contains roughly 1,600 addresses.
As of (07/25/18) this is a one-time or trial import. If all goes well, we will continue the same effort in other areas of the city, possibly on a monthly or quarterly basis. We'll see.
Import Data
We are looking exclusively at the address points available at
Provide links to your sources.
Data source site:
Data license:
Type of license: Missouri Public Record (Public Domain)
ODbL Compliance verified: yes/no
OSM Data Files
Import Type
This is a one-time trial import which will be performed via JOSM. If all goes well, more imports of this type may be done in the future.
Data Preparation
After this tedious process is complete, I will import the resulting OSM file into JOSM where I will manually move the nodes so that they lie squarely within the footprint of their corresponding buildings, and remove duplicate and/or ambiguous nodes.
Data Reduction & Simplification
The data provided by the City as a CSV file contains unnecessary data such as the parcel owner names and addresses, and other data only relevant to the County Assessor and people interested in this sort of data as it relates to, e.g. property taxes and ownership. This data will be removed in a spreadsheet editor.
The data are in the format:
"addr:street"="Fake Street"
City name, zip code, county, and state are not included because they are not included in the original data set.
Tagging Plans
Again, through the magic of regular expressions, junk tags will be removed, and replaced by ones appropriate for OSM.
Initially I planned on tagging all buildings as houses, and removing nodes belonging to non-residential buildings. However, industrial and commercial buildings, etc. can be re-tagged in JOSM directly before upload, so I'll probably just do that as much as I can.
Data Transformation
Through the use of some scripts I found on Github, and the magic of regular expressions, the data format will transform as such:
Data Transformation Results
Data Merge Workflow
Team Approach
Describe if you'll be doing this solo or as a team.
- Esri World Imagery (clarity) Beta
Detail the steps you'll take during the actual import.
Information to include:
- Step by step instructions
- Changeset size policy
- Revert plans
Add your QA plan here.
See also
The email to the Imports mailing list was sent on 2018-07-22 and can be found in the archives of the mailing list at [1].