Proposal:Driving direction

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Driving direction of individual lanes
Proposal status: Abandoned (inactive)
Proposed by: imagic
Tagging: driving_direction=forward/backward/both_ways
Applies to: way
Definition: Specify the driving direction of individual lanes

Rendered as: Some renderers (e.g. included in navigation devices) may show the lanes at very high zoom level
Draft started: 2015-01-31

This proposal introduces the key driving_direction=*, which together with the suffix :lanes can be used to specify the driving direction of individual lanes.


Alternating driving directions on four lanes.png

Data consumers usually assume that the lanes running in the same direction as the OSM way (so called forward-lanes) are at the right side and lanes running in the opposite direction (so called backward-lanes) are at the left side (and the other way around for left-hand traffic) of the road. In some rare situations the driving direction although alternates between different lanes, e.g. in the situation on the right. In such case the key driving_direction=* can be used to specify the driving direction of each lane.


The key driving_direction=* supports the following values:

Value Driving direction
forward The driving direction is identical to the direction of the OSM way.
backward The driving direction is reverse to the direction of the OSM way.
both_ways Driving in both directions is allowed.

Usually the key should be used together with the suffix :lanes, e.g. driving_direction:lanes=backward|forward|backward|forward for the example above.

The suffixes :forward and :backward may not be used together with this key. Also the key driving_side=* should not be combined with this key on the same OSM way.

Note: This key changes the layout of the lanes for the different driving directions as can be seen in the following example:

Tags Expected Result


Driving Direction Example 1.png


Driving Direction Example 2.png

Current usage


Related keys

See also