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Public-images-osm logo.svg internet_access:password
Specifies if a WLAN wireless internet Hotspot (Wi-Fi) has a password.
Group: communications
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesshould not be used on waysmay be used on areas (and multipolygon relations)should not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
Useful combination
Status: in use

a question mark

This article or section contains questionable, contentious or controversial information. See the talk page for more information.
Passwords are likely private information and thus not to be shared in OSM


Value Meaning
yes Wireless access is restricted (with a password or similar)
no Wireless network is "open", i.e. anybody is allowed to access the Internet wirelessly without authentication
verbatim password Please do not use this (or any other) tag to specify verbatim WiFi passwords used to connect to the network (except in exceptional cases, see below)


It is generally frowned upon to publish private information (such as passwords) in OSM.

There might perhaps be exceptional circumstances where:

  • the owner has given you written, perpetual, royalty-free, sublicensable, transferable, non-revocable permission to publish the password for the whole world to see, or
  • you are the owner who wishes everybody to use it and you are sure that it does not break [W] ToS of your [W] ISP or any other contractual obligation or legislation
  • the owner publishes the information themselves publicly on their website (or public Facebook page etc), and does not restrict further dissemination of that information.

where it might be permissible to publicly publish verbatim passwords, but note that it is still not a good idea to publish them in OSM, as it is (at the very least) frowned upon. See limitations on mapping private information and community discussion on the subject. But please note that just because the password is locally visible (e.g. posted on door), it does not indicate the owner permission to re-publish it globally in digital form.

It would be advantageous if one used source:access:password=* to indicate the source of that password (e.g. "visible inside a cafe", "visible on the outside doors", "published on" etc.) if you do decide to use internet access:password=* for publishing verbatim passwords.