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Public-images-osm logo.svg Prefix lanes:*
Denotes the amount of lanes reserved for a specific transportation mode. Show/edit corresponding data item.
Used on these elements
should not be used on nodesmay be used on waysshould not be used on areasshould not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
See also
Status: de facto
taginfo: lanes:*

information sign

This page describes a key prefix rather than a simple key.

information sign

Not to be confused with *:lanes=* which specifies access on a per-lane basis.

lanes:*=* is a prefix which denotes the amount of lanes which have been designated to a certain vehicle mode on a given highway (compare lanes=* which generally counts the total lanes for dual-track vehicles). It's most commonly used to count the amount of lanes for buses and public service vehicles, see lanes:bus=* and lanes:psv=* for more information but it has also been used for other vehicle modes like bicycles (see lanes:bicycles on Taginfo).

To specify the placement of designated lanes, use the suffix *:lanes=*.