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Public-images-osm logo.svg oneway:foot
The way can be used only in one direction by pedestrians. Show/edit corresponding data item.
Group: restrictions
Used on these elements
should not be used on nodesmay be used on waysshould not be used on areasuse on relations unspecified
Status: in use

This tag is used by some mappers to indicate a feature can be used only in one direction by pedestrians.

Orla Perć, oneway hiking route - tagged as highway=path + oneway=yes + foot=yes + bicycle=no + ski=no + snowmobile=no

The tag oneway=yes (without :foot) has been used in some situations where the mapper who put the tag clearly meant pedestrians, such as highway=via_ferrata. However, on streets (e.g. highway=residential) there is clear consensus that the tag only applies to vehicles, so oneway=yes can sometimes be ambiguous. For example, when a data consumer encounters oneway=yes on a highway=path or highway=footway where bicycles may be allowed, did the mapper mean only bicycles or also pedestrians? The tag oneway:foot=yes avoids this ambiguity.

Examples of oneway pedestrian traffic includes some hiking trails - some permanently, some during the high season crowding, border crossing, exit-only passages and more.

See also