Madrid Places of Worship Import
The goal is to manually merge and import places of worship from the Madrid city council database, see: Import_Ayuntamiento_Madrid (in spanish)
In Madrid there are 180 places of worship already in OSM. The dataset from the city council contains 498. It contains useful information like: name, description, opening hours, if it is accesible with a wheelchair or not, address, phone, email and url.
Existing hand mapped information will not be replaced by the import without on-the-ground verification.
- October 24 2016: We started the preparation and the discussion. See the discussion in the talk-es list (in spanish)
- October 30: We started the import
- November ?: We finish doing the QA after the import
- November ?: Notify talk-es and the City Council with a report
Import Data
Data description
We'll use the xml files for processing. You can download the data here and here for the non-catholic.
ODbL Compliance verified: YES
The license can be consulted here (in Spanish). It requires attribution of the source, so all nodes and the changeset will include source=Ayuntamiento de Madrid. The Madrid City Council (Ayuntamiento de Madrid) is already on the contributors list.
After sending the report with the problems and errors found during the drinking water import, including a section about the license, got a response from the "Subdirección General de Transparencia del Ayuntamiento de Madrid" (the data owner), and they confirmed me that we comply with their attribution clause using their data in OSM if we clearly specify the source and the source:date, the way it was done on the Madrid_Drinking_Water_Import. And they do like the work we are doing :) Kresp0 (talk) 13:30, 16 October 2016 (UTC)
Compatibility with the ODbL was already discussed in the imports and talk-es mailing lists.
Import Type
The import will be done manually, using the Tasks Manager, so it can be assigned to different volunteers. JOSM will be used to edit the data.
Data Preparation
Data Reduction & Simplification
Some corrections are made with the data conversion script madridxml2osm and some tags added and removed manually using JOSM. See: "Data Transformation". Some of the fields aren't relevant and will be ignored.
Tagging Plans
Here are the original fields, their meaning and how they will be converted to the resulting OSM file:
Original Fields | Meaning | OSM tag | Comments |
ID-ENTIDAD | Internal reference number | Not used | |
NOMBRE | Name | name=* | |
DESCRIPCION-ENTIDAD | Description | description=* | Part of description=* |
HORARIO | Timetables | opening_hours=* | Manual processing needed |
EQUIPAMIENTO | Additional info about the place | description=* | Part of description=* |
TRANSPORTE | Nearest bus and metro stations | Not used | |
DESCRIPCION | Description | description=* | Part of description=* |
ACCESIBILIDAD | Wheelchair access. 0 = no access, 1 = some kind of access | Not used, because all are set to 0, except one. | |
CONTENT-URL | URL | url=* | Only if JOSM likes the url |
NOMBRE-VIA | Name of the street, without the prefix. | addr:street=* | Part of addr:street=* |
CLASE-VIAL | Street prefix | addr:street=* | Part of addr:street=* |
TIPO-NUM | kind of housenumber | Not used | |
NUM | housenumber | addr:housenumber=* | |
PLANTA | Floor | Not used | |
PUERTA | Door | Not used | |
ORIENTACION | Orientation | Not used | |
LOCALIDAD | City | Not used | |
PROVINCIA | Province | Not used | |
CODIGO-POSTAL | Post code | addr:postcode=* | |
BARRIO | District | Not used | |
DISTRITO | District | Not used | |
COORDENADA-X | Coordinate X | Not used | |
COORDENADA-Y | Coordinate Y | Not used | |
LATITUD | Latitude | OSM Latitude | |
LONGITUD | Longitude | OSM Longitude | |
TELEFONO | phone | phone=* | |
FAX | Fax | fax=* | |
email=* | |||
TIPO | Kind | Not used |
We added the following tags:
- building=church (only to the catholic places, may be removed by the mapper if the site is not a church) and building=mosque (manually added to the 2 mosques)
- amenity=place_of_worship
- source:date=2013-05-01
- source=Ayuntamiento de Madrid
Changeset Tags
We will use the following changeset tags:
- comment=#Madrid_Places_of_Worship_Import and any notes that the mapper may add.
- source=Ayuntamiento de Madrid
- source:date=2013-05-01
- url= (this page)
- created_by=JOSM/version (This tag is created automatically by JOSM)
Data Transformation
Data is in xml format. We already:
- Converted it to OSM format using the madridxml2osm data conversion script: 209426-0-templos-catolicas.xml amenity=place_of_worship
- Edited Templos_e_iglesias_católicas.osm using JOSM and added this tags
- religion=christian
- denomination=roman_catholic
- building=church (those with "Catedral" in the name got building=cathedral)
- Non-catholic temples processing: 209434-0-templos-otros.xml amenity=place_of_worship
- Added most of the non-catholic places religion and denomination based on the name.
Nombre | religion | denomination |
Iglesia Anglicana Episcopal de San Jorge | christian | anglican |
Iglesia Bautista Alameda de Osuna | christian | baptist |
Iglesia Bautista Barrio del Pilar | christian | baptist |
Iglesia Bautista de Usera | christian | baptist |
Iglesia Bautista de Vallecas | christian | baptist |
Iglesia Bautista El Buen Pastor | christian | baptist |
Iglesia Bautista General Lacy | christian | baptist |
Iglesia Bautista Pueblo Nuevo | christian | baptist |
Asociación Betel | christian | evangelical |
Centro de Evangelización Anuncio de Paz | christian | evangelical |
Iglesia Cristiana Evangélica de Aluche | christian | evangelical |
Iglesia Cristiana Evangélica de Chamartín | christian | evangelical |
Iglesia Cristiana Evangélica en Hortaleza (Eben Ezer) | christian | evangelical |
Iglesia Evangélica Adulam de Madrid | christian | evangelical |
Iglesia Evangélica Casa de Oración | christian | evangelical |
Iglesia Evangélica Casa de Oración de Madrid | christian | evangelical |
Iglesia Evangélica China Española | christian | evangelical |
Iglesia Evangélica Cristo Vive | christian | evangelical |
Iglesia Evangélica de Hermanos El Shadday | christian | evangelical |
Iglesia Evangélica de Hermanos Resurrección y Vida | christian | evangelical |
Iglesia Evangélica del Nazareno | christian | evangelical |
Iglesia Evangélica Eben Ezer Dios es amor | christian | evangelical |
Iglesia Evangélica Encuetro con Dios | christian | evangelical |
Iglesia Evangélica Española El Salvador | christian | evangelical |
Iglesia Evangélica Fuente de la Vida | christian | evangelical |
Iglesia Evangélica Nueva Vida | christian | evangelical |
Iglesia Evangélica Pentecostal Amistad Cristiana | christian | evangelical |
Iglesia Evangélica Pentecostal Bethel | christian | evangelical |
Iglesia Evangélica Pentecostal Salem | christian | evangelical |
Iglesia Evangélica Pueblo Nuevo | christian | evangelical |
Testigos Cristianos de Jehová. Avda. Moratalaz | christian | jehovahs_witness |
Testigos Cristianos de Jehová. Calle Andaluces | christian | jehovahs_witness |
Testigos Cristianos de Jehová. Calle Arroyo | christian | jehovahs_witness |
Testigos Cristianos de Jehová. Calle Artistas | christian | jehovahs_witness |
Testigos Cristianos de Jehová. Calle Carrascales | christian | jehovahs_witness |
Testigos Cristianos de Jehová. Calle Chantada | christian | jehovahs_witness |
Testigos Cristianos de Jehová. Calle Doctor Gómez Ulla | christian | jehovahs_witness |
Testigos Cristianos de Jehová. Calle Guamo | christian | jehovahs_witness |
Testigos Cristianos de Jehová. Calle Hilario Sangrador | christian | jehovahs_witness |
Testigos Cristianos de Jehová. Calle Ignacio Ellacuría | christian | jehovahs_witness |
Testigos Cristianos de Jehová. Calle Jacobinia | christian | jehovahs_witness |
Testigos Cristianos de Jehová. Calle Las Pedroñeras | christian | jehovahs_witness |
Testigos Cristianos de Jehová. Calle Luis Ruiz | christian | jehovahs_witness |
Testigos Cristianos de Jehová. Calle Marcudos | christian | jehovahs_witness |
Testigos Cristianos de Jehová. Calle Martín de Vargas | christian | jehovahs_witness |
Testigos Cristianos de Jehová. Calle Mineros | christian | jehovahs_witness |
Testigos Cristianos de Jehová. Calle Pérez Herrera | christian | jehovahs_witness |
Testigos Cristianos de Jehová. Calle San Moisés | christian | jehovahs_witness |
Testigos Cristianos de Jehová. Calle Santa Ana Baja | christian | jehovahs_witness |
Testigos Cristianos de Jehová. Calle Sierra del Sabiñar | christian | jehovahs_witness |
Testigos Cristianos de Jehová. Calle Sierra Salvada | christian | jehovahs_witness |
Testigos Cristianos de Jehová. Calle Tembleque | christian | jehovahs_witness |
Iglesia Cristiana Adventista del Séptimo Día. Madrid Alenza | christian | seventh_day_adventist |
Iglesia Cristiana Adventista del Séptimo Día. Madrid Aluche | christian | seventh_day_adventist |
Iglesia Cristiana Adventista del Séptimo Día. Madrid Beneficencia | christian | seventh_day_adventist |
Iglesia Cristiana Adventista del Séptimo Día. Madrid Calatrava | christian | seventh_day_adventist |
Iglesia Cristiana Adventista del Séptimo Día. Madrid Eben-Ezer | christian | seventh_day_adventist |
Iglesia Cristiana Adventista del Séptimo Día. Madrid Efes | christian | seventh_day_adventist |
Iglesia Cristiana Adventista del Séptimo Día. Madrid Emaús | christian | seventh_day_adventist |
Iglesia Cristiana Adventista del Séptimo Día. Madrid Grupo brasileño | christian | seventh_day_adventist |
Iglesia Cristiana Adventista del Séptimo Día. Madrid Noviciado de Horeb | christian | seventh_day_adventist |
Iglesia Cristiana Adventista del Séptimo Día. Madrid Resurrección | christian | seventh_day_adventist |
Iglesia Cristiana Adventista del Séptimo Día. Madrid Vallecas | christian | seventh_day_adventist |
Iglesia Cristiana Adventista del Séptimo Día. Madrid Ventas | christian | seventh_day_adventist |
Asamblea Cristiana de Madrid | christian | |
Asociación Darse - Dar Ayuda para la Reinserción Social España | NO? | |
Catedral Anglicana de Madrid | christian | |
Catedral Ortodoxa Griega | christian | greek_orthodox |
Centro Cultural Islámico. Mezquita de Madrid | muslim | |
Comunidad Cristiana Maranatha | christian | |
Iglesia Celebración Cristiana | christian | |
Iglesia CENFOL España | christian | |
Iglesia Centro Cristiano Adonay | christian | |
Iglesia Comunidad Cristiana de Fe | christian | |
Iglesia Cristiana Hosanna | christian | |
Iglesia Cristiana Reformada | christian | |
Iglesia Cristiana Shalom Adonai | christian | |
Iglesia Cristiana Verbo | christian | |
Iglesia Cuerpo de Cristo, Don Pedro | christian | |
Iglesia Cuerpo de Cristo, General Ricardos | christian | |
Iglesia de Cristo IEE | christian | |
Iglesia de Cristo - Madrid | christian | |
Iglesia de Dios (Verbo de Dios) | christian | |
Iglesia de Filadelfia Orcasur | christian | |
Iglesia de Jesús | christian | |
Iglesia de la Cienciología | scientologist | |
Iglesia de Los Elegidos de Dios | ||
Iglesia de los Hermanos en La Vaguada | ||
Iglesia Dios es Amor - Unión Cristiana | ||
Iglesia Ejército de Salvación, Hermosilla | ||
Iglesia El Buen Pastor de Madrid | ||
Iglesia Emanuel (U.C.E) Orcasitas (Orcasur) | ||
Iglesia Española Reformada Episcopal | ||
Iglesia Evangelio Cuadrangular Vida Nueva Usera | christian | |
Iglesia Filadelfia del Centro Cielos Abiertos | christian | |
Iglesia Internacional Alianza de Amor | ||
Iglesia Misionera Asamblea Cristiana | christian | |
Iglesia Resurrección IEE | ||
Iglesia Servidores de Vida | ||
Iglesia Tabernáculo de Alabanza | ||
Iglesia Templo de Dios | ||
Mezquita Abu Bakr | muslim |
- This code adds religion and denomination to non-catholic temples. It reads the file "traduccion nombre a religion y denomination.csv" and modify Templos_e_iglesias_no_católicas.osm
while IFS='' read -r line || [[ -n "$line" ]]; do
NOMBRE=`echo $line | awk -F ';' '{print $1}'`
RELIGION=`echo $line | awk -F ';' '{print $2}'`
DENOMINATION=`echo $line | awk -F ';' '{print $3}'`
if [ -z "$DENOMINATION" ]; then
if [ -z "$RELIGION" ]; then
echo 's/k="name" v="'$NOMBRE'"\/\>/k="name" v="'$NOMBRE'"\/\>\<tag k="religion" v="'$RELIGION'"\/\>/g Templos_e_iglesias_no_católicas.osm' | perl -pe "s/g Templos_/g' Templos_/" | perl -pe "s/s\/k/perl -pe 's\/k/g" > /tmp/l
sh /tmp/l > r ; mv r Templos_e_iglesias_no_católicas.osm
echo 's/k="name" v="'$NOMBRE'"\/\>/k="name" v="'$NOMBRE'"\/\>\<tag k="religion" v="'$RELIGION'"\/\>\<tag k="denomination" v="'$DENOMINATION'"\/\>/g Templos_e_iglesias_no_católicas.osm' | perl -pe "s/g Templos_/g' Templos_/" | perl -pe "s/s\/k/perl -pe 's\/k/g" > /tmp/l
sh /tmp/l > r ; mv r Templos_e_iglesias_no_católicas.osm
done < "traduccion nombre a religion y denomination.csv"
- Merged the layers
- Added the tag:
- source:date=2013-05-01
- Removed the tags:
- addr:district
- addr:suburb
- addr:province
- addr:city
- wheelchair
- Saved as Lugares_de_culto_de_Madrid.osm
- Manually drawn the working area using JOSM and saved as geojson
- Uploaded the working area to the TM
- Splitted the osm file to have one file for each task on the TM using the osmboxes script
Data Import Workflow
Team Approach
Import will be undertaken by experienced OSM volunteers, following a strict workflow.
The import will be discussed in the Talk-Es list.
As most (if not all) of the volunteers will be Spanish speaking, they can follow the detailed workflow in Spanish language on the TM.
The workflow will be as follows:
- 1. Install the TODO list JOSM plugin if the volunteer don't have it.
- 2. Create, if we don't have one yet, an import specific user account, like username_imports (you will need a different email address from the account you used for your regular OSM account). Change the OSM username to that specific account in the JOSM preferences.
- 3. Configure JOSM to allow remote access.
- 4. Login into the Tasks Manager.
- 5 Select one square to work on.
- 6 Open the OSM data and the temples data by clicking on the JOSM button and the link on the extra instructions.
- 7 Select all nodes on the temples layer and add them to the ToDo list. For each node we'll:
- Edit the description=* to be less than 256 characters
- On the addr:street=*, fix the name to match the current OSM street name
- opening_hours=* has to be translated from spanish to opening_hours=* format
- Remove building=church if the building where the place of worship is located is not a church.
- Check the rest of the tags
- Conflate the node data with the temple building/node if there is already one or create a new one if not. Don't replace existing hand mapped information without on-the-ground verification.
- 8. After the import is done, there will be a review process using the TM.
Each year I'll download the dataset, do a diff and update the data to OSM manually. Until I get bored. Kresp0 (talk) 17:41, 24 October 2016 (UTC)
Reverse plan
In case of any trouble, JOSM reverter will be used.