MassGis Layer Openspace
Open and Recreational Space
This about the OPENSPACE layer of the MassGIS datasets.
The definitive MassGIS Open and Recreational Space (site no longer exists, new reference is )page has a pointer to the files one can download, and a table of the layer-specific fields.
Things which it would be useful to add in here:
- Mappings between the data fields ans OSM key/value pairs, as done for the MassGis_to_OSM_Attribute_Map EOT-OTP layer.
- Pointers to the way to use tools to do this conversion as maybe
There is a lot of metadata in this layer which does not obviously map onto the OSM key/value pairs.
Mappings into Map_Features or Tagwatch/Descriptions.
- PUB_ACCESS: Based on:
- Y - Yes (open to public) -> access=yes
- N - No (not open to public) -> access=private
- L - Limited (membership only) -> access=restricted
- X - Unknown -> nothing
- PRIM_PURP: The primary purpose of the land.
- R - Recreation (activities are facility based) ->leisure=recreation_ground
- C - Conservation (activities are non-facility based) -> leisure=nature_reserve
- B - Recreation and Conservation -> landuse=conservation ; leisure=recreation_ground
- H - Historical/Cultural -> historic=yes
- A - Agriculture -> agricultural=yes; landuse=farm
- W - Water Supply Protection -> landuse=reservoir
- S - Scenic (official designation only) scenic=yes
- F - Flood Control -> landuse=land
- Q - Habitat protection -> landuse=conservation
- U - Site is underwater -> water=yes
- O - Other (explain)
- X - Unknown
- OWNER_TYPE: Mapped to the new Key:ownership attribute.
- LEV_PROT: Mapped to:
- P: perpetuity
- L: limited
- T: temporary
Usage: python -s 10 -o 40000 -l osm/open open_4326.shp
Generated 43 files; manually de-duped using JOSM.
Uploading files using a wrapper around bulk_import:
#!/bin/sh for i in $1/*.osm; do J=0; while [[ $J < '5' ]]; do J=$((J+1)) echo "$J: $i" perl -u -p password -a -i $i done done
Checked out bulk_import directory, checked out inside of it, and edited the path in bulk_impot 'use lib' line.
Typo in conversion code resulted in 'conservation_rganization', which will need to be fixed once the data is all uploaded.
- done, see for example, code in
Typo in conversion code resulted in 'landuse=resevoir'.
- changed to 'reservoir' (in multiple changesets, sorry)
The following ways still contain the "resevoir" typo but are too large to edit without splitting first:
- 29783457
- 29762522
- 29815840
- 29815840
- 29835446
- 32318125
- 32318654
- 32540144
- 32540786
- 32541060
More short names fixed, at r13107
Names to fix:
- "Mary"S Cemetary" -- bad Python .title(), search for ' or " followed by S-then-space.
- "St Res"
- "Us Army"
- "C.C." (as in "Framingham C.C.",
- "F.C." (as in "Hop Brook F.C.",
- "Dlct" (as in "Snow Hill/Dlct",
- "Elem School"
- "Wldlf Refg"
- "Ymca"
- "Brd Prtct Area"
- Interested: User:TimBL
- Managing most of the grunt work: crschmidt
- Helping: cmarqu
- Watching with interest: Blackadder