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Overseal, South Derbyshire

latitude: 52.74, longitude: -1.56
Browse map of Overseal 52°44′24.00″ N, 1°33′36.00″ W
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Overseal is a village in South Derbyshire at latitude 52°44′24.00″ North, longitude 1°33′36.00″ West.


The roads and many of the amenities have now been mapped. Some of the roads however have only been mapped using OS StreetView, and need a proper survey.

Remaining work

  • Verify roads mapped using OS StreetView, and check any discrepancies between the OS Opendata and OSM (see table below)
  • Addressing
  • Finish mapping amenities and shops
  • Footpaths are not fully mapped
  • Map bus routes to Overseal
  • The various shops and businesses on the western part of Woodville Rd are not mapped.

Streets in Overseal

The table below gives details of progress of mapping the roads in Overseal. The street names, road reference numbers and grid references are taken from OS OpenData Locator (see Ordnance_Survey_Opendata).

Please help to improve and update this table, which will help identify the remaining mapping work to be done.

Streets should be marked as mapped only when the full length of the street is mapped, and it is named. If the name in OpenStreetMap differs from that in the OS data, please note this in the notes field - the difference between the names could be a result of the OS's error rather than ours so don't change it on OpenStreetMap without visiting the street to check which is correct. Adding the date of when something was last mapped or checked could also be helpful in the future to identify whether data could be out-of-date.

Abbreviations/codes/terms used in the table

  • OSL - indicates that the name was derived from OS OpenData Locator rather than by survey.
  • OSSV - mapped only by tracing over Ordnance Survey Opendata StreetView, instead of by a survey. It would be useful to carry out a proper survey of these streets in the future, to verify that the street exists and is correctly mapped on OS StreetView, and to map details which are missing from OS StreetView (eg whether the street is one-way, other restrictions).
  • Not present - indicates that there were no shops, amenities etc present on that road at the time of mapping.
  • No addresses - no buildings have an address on that particular road.

Street name Ref Grid ref Street mapped Amenities mapped Addressing Notes
ACRESFORD ROAD A444 SK 29755 14625 Yes but not named Not named in OSM.
Alexandra Court Yes (2009) None present (2009) Not included in OS Locator, appears to be an unadopted road.
ALEXANDRA ROAD SK 29578 15840 Yes (2009) None present (2009)
ASHLEY CLOSE SK 29562 15184 Yes (2009) None present (2009)
BAILEY AVENUE SK 29496 15177 Yes (2009)
BRAMBLE WALK SK 29390 15262 Yes (2009)
BURTON ROAD SK 29216 15781
BURTON ROAD A444 SK 29095 15934 Yes Some Some
CLIFTON CLOSE SK 29293 15195 OSSV (4/2010)
CORONATION STREET SK 29447 15684 Yes (2009) None present (2009)
DAISY LANE SK 29670 15412 Yes (2009) None present (2009)
EDWARD STREET SK 29493 15828 Yes (2009) None present
FOREST VIEW SK 29649 15710 Yes (2009)
Gorsey Leys Yes (2009) Not included in OS Locator, or named on OS StreetView.
GREEN LANE SK 28805 15847 OSSV (4/2010)
HALL CROFT AVENUE SK 29763 15406 Yes In OSM it is named Hallcroft Avenue, but in OS Locator and OS StreetView it is Hall Croft Avenue - which one is correct?
Harleys Courts Yes (2009) None present (2009) A private road not included in OS StreetView or Locator.
Lagoona Park Yes (2009) None present (2009) A private road/caravan park, not included in OS StreetView or OS Locator.
Lullington Mews Yes (2009) None present (2009) A road not included in OS StreetView or Locator.
LULLINGTON ROAD SK 28966 15065 Yes Some (2009)
MAIN STREET A444 SK 29545 15255 Yes Some (2009)
MOIRA ROAD SK 29991 15302 Yes
Overseal Manor Stables Yes (2009) A private road not included in OS Locator, and unnamed in OS StreetView.
PARK ROAD SK 29301 16848
ROSEDENE VIEW SK 30019 15815 Yes (2009) None present (2009) A private road.
SEALWOOD LANE SK 28662 16058 OSSV (4/2010)
SHORTHEATH SK 30395 14971 Yes (OSL)
SQUIRREL WALK SK 29589 15036 OSSV (4/2010)
STANLEIGH ROAD SK 29828 15731 Yes (2009)
VALLEY ROAD SK 29427 15098 Yes (OSL)
Victoria Court Yes (2009) None present A new road built in 2009 which is not in OS StreetView or OS Locator.
WOODLANDS CRESCENT SK 29509 15613 Yes None present (2009)
WOODLANDS ROAD SK 29577 15650 Yes (OSL)
WOODVILLE ROAD SK 29811 15666 Yes (OSL) Some (2009) Some (2009) Marked in OSM as being the B5004, but OS StreetView and OS Locator show it as an unclassified road - need to check which is correct.

In addition, OS StreetView appears to show an unnamed road off Moira Road (not far from junction with Burton Rd) which is not mapped in OSM.