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Paradise, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada

latitude: 47.533, longitude: -52.867
Browse map of Paradise 47°31′58.80″ N, 52°52′01.20″ W
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Paradise is a town in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada at latitude 47°31′58.80″ North, longitude 52°52′01.20″ West.

The Town of Paradise is the fourth largest municipality in the Province according to the 2011 Census with 17,695 people. The town is bordered by the Cities of St. John's and Mount Pearl to the East as well as the towns of Portugal Cove - St. Philips to the North and Conception Bay South to the South.

The original data for the town was imported from the Government of Canada's Department of Natural Resources' CANVEC data, a massive free data set that covers the entire country with basic information about roads, rivers, mounts and other information. This data is not fully complete and has a relatively low level of resolution. It is also, in many places, out of date with some of the information being as much as 30 years old. Therefore, the results of the import should be scrutinized to ensure that it still reflects the underlying conditions. The data is still important as it eliminates the presence of large blank areas in the map.

Paradise is currently incorporated under the Municipalities Act, 1999, which lays out the duties and powers of the municipality as well as the Administrative Boundary of the town itself. Those perusing the area might notice the somewhat odd layout structure of Paradise - this is mostly because the town is actually an amalgamation of six smaller towns - Paradise, St. Thomas, Evergreen Village, Three Island Pond, Topsail Pond and Elizabeth Park. Streets from these former towns still bear their original names.

Mapping Efforts

The majority of the mapping efforts prior to 2013 were in the form of the CANVEC data importation and corrections by user bgamberg. As of 2013, user Adam Martin has been slowly working to expand the data in that area.