Power networks/Netherlands/Enexis elektriciteitsnet Dataset

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Enexis is the grid operator for both gas and electricity in 5 provinces. They provide the construction, maintenance and development of the grid.

This dataset contains public information about the low and medium voltage stations and -connections.

How to Use?

  1. Go to Enexis
  2. Scroll down to 'Beschikbare open data' and unfold "Asset data: informatie stations, leidingen, kabels Enexis Netbeheer"
  3. Go to 'Downloads' and download the .zip file "Open Asset Data Elektra"

This zip file contains the available shapefiles.



This dataset is NOT meant to be used to add all the electricity cables into OpenStreetMap, so use the shapefiles with caution!




Enexis provides this dataset under a CC0 license.