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Proposal status: Abandoned (inactive)
Proposed by: *
Tagging: route=regatta_course

Rendered as: Same colour fill as natural=water with a medium thickness black line.

I would like to officially propose route=regatta_course and route=regatta_course_lane for inclusion as features.

  • regatta_course is proposed to be rendered as a way with a thick black line with a fill the same blue as natural=water and should be suitable for designating courses for rowing, sailing or dragon boat regattas. As a linear feature for long races without lanes or as an area for shorter races with lanes or match sailing such as the America's Cup or Louis Vuitton Cup.
  • regatta_course_lane is proposed to be a way rendered as a thinner black line than regatta_course and should be used to subdivide a regatta_course area.

Here is a preview of rendering with a different fill colour for regatta_course. regatta_course_lanes separate the filled area.
