Proposal talk:Last checked

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Date format ?

Is the day really important here ? If we use the format YYYY-MM, it might be enough and wouldn't raise questions about format (YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-DD-MM). -- Pieren 11:42, 16 September 2009 (UTC)

No, I guess the date of month could be omitted. However, all other OSM-data dates (afaik) are in the YYYY-MM-DD ISO format, so that shouldn't be anything new. --Cohan 12:21, 16 September 2009 (UTC)
ISO-8601 specifies YYYY-MM, so it’s OK to use that here too. Even year alone would be fine. --Hawke
It's important that we should agree on a date format. ISO-8601 is the best option. However I agree that we should have a way to just put in the month, and in ISO 8601 we can enter YYYY-MM Rorym 08:44, 21 September 2009 (UTC)

Name Of The Key

I would prefer last_verified=YYYY-MM-DD over last_checked=YYYY-MM-DD --xylome 14:42, 16 September 2009 (UTC)

Vovkav 18:58, 21 February 2010 (UTC): I second that, but the original is good too.


This should be stored in the changeset, not against individual elements, that way an entire batch of ways can be tagged instead of tagging everything individually.

I'm not yet used to the full powers of changesets. Suppose this is stored in the changesets, how do I get all restaurants within a given bbox that has not been checked in the last year? --Cohan 12:55, 16 September 2009 (UTC)
I don't think the information should be on the node/way/relation an not on the changeset --xylome 14:39, 16 September 2009 (UTC)

What if there is no last_checked tag?

What should it mean if there is no last_checked tag on a feature?

Should we look at the last changeset that feature was changed in, and assume that that is when the feature was last checked? The rationale section says we shouldn't use this. However it's likely that this tag will not be applied to every feature in the map, so we need a way to guesstimate something if the last_checked tag isn't there

Any way to guesstimate is as good as any other. Quite a few roads in Sweden are getting new speed limits this year and so we need to check the maxspeed=*. If there is a last_checked=2009-09-29 I know that I don't have to check that road again. If there isn't I'll have to guess. Let's say the history says the road was last changed 2009-08-15. Was the maxspeed=* checked then? Or were just some nodes moved so that the way better conforms with the GPS track? If the maxspeed was changed in that edit it's quite safe to presume that it was checked - but if it wasn't there's no way to tell if it was checked or not. It might have been checked and found to be the same as before and hence not edited, but it might also not have been checked at all. A last_checked=* will be a powerful tool since you won't have to do any guessing at all (where availible). I'm under no illusion that till will ever be applied en masse, but even if only used in a few %, then there still be lots of occations you will know that you don't have to check that again right now, since you will know how up to date the data is. Without the tag you have to guess, roll a dice, check the history or flip a coin. They're equivalent, so just take your pick. --Cohan 11:21, 29 September 2009 (UTC)
You could use last_checked:maxspeed=* just like source=* does --Gnonthgol 12:08, 29 September 2009 (UTC)