Road signs in Belgium/I Internal AWV signs

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I Internal AWV signs

Certain road signs that are placed on the roads are not included in the Belgian legislation. This pages lists some traffic signs designed by Agentschap Wegen en Verkeer (AWV) that can be mapped on OSM. For easy reference, AWV has given them a code starting with 'I', to indicate that they are 'internally' designed signs.

Sign Image Description Tags
IE1 Secured parking, exclusively for lorries and light goods vehicles amenity=parkingaccess=nogoods=yeshgv=yessupervised=yes
IF1 Pedestrian tramway crossing outside of controlled intersection

A flashing light and bell may be present to alert pedestrians of an oncoming tram Pedestrian traffic lights should not be present when this sign used

IF2a "Vluchthaven"/"Garage": emergency bay where you can stop along the road in case of emergency.

These signs were used to indicate emergency bays outside of tunnels, since official sign F98 was only allowed to be used in tunnels until may 2021.[1] All signs IF2a should have been replaced by F98 by the end of 2022, but in reality there are still many around.

IF3a SAVE-sign (Samen Voor Veilig Verkeer), memorial for kids killed in traffic[2] historic=memorialmemorial=plaquename=* of the child
IF4a Fixed speed camera ahead[3] highway=speed_cameramaxspeed=*direction=*
IF4b Fixed speed cameras ahead[3] highway=speed_cameramaxspeed=*direction=*
IF4c Average speed check zone ahead[3] type=enforcementenforcement=average_speed
IF9a Bridge number ref=*operator=*
IF13a Fire hose emergency=fire_hose
IF13b Hydrant emergency=fire_hydrant
IF14 Shows the road configuration
IF15 Agentschap Wegen en Verkeer district depot landuse=depotname=Wegendistrict *operator=Agentschap Wegen en Verkeer
IF16 Indicates the direction of a secured parking, exclusively for lorries and light goods vehicles On the parking lot:






IM1 Indicates a carpoolparking that is suited as a rest stop for truckers[4]
IR1a Kilometer sign, showing the distance, E-road number and the A-road number

These signs are being phased out, and replaced by IR10 or IR11

IR1b Kilometer sign, showing the distance and the A-, B-, N- or R-road number

These signs are being phased out, and replaced by IR10 or IR11

IR1c Polyester kilometer post, showing the distance and the A-, B-, N- or R-road number

These signs are being phased out, and replaced by IR10 or IR11

IR1d Kilometer road marking, showing the distance

The road number is not marked on the ground

IR2a Hectometer sign, indicating the distance and the direction of the nearest emergency telephone

Should no longer be used, as there are no emergency telephones left

IR2b Hectometer sign, indicating the distance

These signs are being phased out, and replaced by IR10 or IR11

IR2c Polyester hectometer post, indicating the distance

These signs are being phased out, and replaced by IR10 or IR11

IR2d Hectometer road marking, showing the distance
IR3a Kilometer sign, showing the distance and Ident7 number

(Ident7 = road type (A/B/N/R) + road number + road index (901-926 (a-z))) These signs are being phased out, and replaced by IR10 or IR11

IR3b Hectometer sign, showing the distance and Ident7 number

(Ident7 = road type (A/B/N/R) + road number + road index (901-926 (a-z))) These signs are being phased out, and replaced by IR10 or IR11

IR10a Hectometer sign, showing the distance, the A-, B-, or R-road number, E-road numbers and direction[5]
IR10b Hectometer sign, showing the distance, the A-, B-, or R-road number, E-road number and direction[5]
IR10c Hectometer sign, showing the distance, the A-, B-, or R-road number and direction[5]
IR11 Hectometer sign, showing the distance, the N- or R-road number and direction[5]
IR12 Hectometer sign, showing the distance, the N- or R-road number and direction (optional)[5]

Note: signs should either show 'h1', 'h2' or no have no 'h' at all

IR13 Hectometer sign, showing the distance
ITRS Permanently signed detours used in case of calamity on motorways
IU1 Motorway exit number
IU2 Name, number and distance to the motorway exit
IU3 Name of the junction (knooppunt)
IU4a Indication of a rest stop or service station ahead
IU4b Indication of a rest stop or service station
IV5 Reflective traffic column
IV6 Reflective delineator
IVMS1 Start of a variable speed zone
IVMS2 End of a variable speed zone
IVMS3 Sign with variable information