State of the Map 2013/Minutes/2013-08-28 Meeting

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18th SotM13 Meeting (1 week to go) 28th August 2013 @ 8pm BST Present Gregory, Mary, Rob, Brian, Stu, Shaun, Jonathan, Henk, Mike, Floris


Previous meeting [Google link removed]

Note the SotM Run-up Action List [Google link removed]

Accommodation Update

Programme updated system Shaun: decided it’s best to continue with current plan of using Lanyrd (javascript widget available to get it on the website). Embedding Harry’s PHP thing will be best after the conference (and good for future years?)

Shaun was updating for confirmation schedule was the final. Schedule is final (besides last-minute on-the-day changes), so Shaun can put it all into Lanyrd.

Runup action list, Line 47: nominate a key role to ensure Lanyrd is updated during the conference. Shaun and Jon.

Registration Latest figures to the second… (Steve Coast just signed up!) 275 people signed up.

       2 from Amazon, and would like space for a table/booth & chairs
       3 of 4, used by?
       MapQuest has 1 unclaimed ticket, probably won’t use.
       3 tickets still remaining to be claimed by speakers.
       5 tickets remaining for volunteers/team.

Will probably add up to 283 after that.

Every new delegate we take on costs £120 for various food.

       Community rate they will bring pay £80, so would cost us £40.

£2500 surplus currently (which allows for 60 more normal signups without going over budget) Every normal ticket we get in, would cover 4 community tickets.

       So limit normal and community tickets to a 4:1 ratio?

End mates rates at some point? On this Friday?

       22 people have signed up (11 sales) - similar to last year.
       Agreed Friday midday (noon BST), to be closed by Henk(eventbrite) and Jonathan (website), publicity now by Shaun?

Henk and Brian to have a daily update on numbers, so they can be limited according to the 1:4 normal:community ratio.

Publicity wise, we can say “we’re almost full up” without specific numbers.

Usually get about 10 on-the-door signup. Normally more no-shows than on-the-door signups. Venue limit is 600.

OSMF AGM is not officially part of SotM, so should anyone (OSMF member) turn up without a ticket they are free to go to the AGM. Welcome desk/volunteers. should be aware of that.

Chip and pin terminal on the day for on-the-day? (action item line ?)

       Not been needed before, not worth the money.
               Might not even be able to do it, as we might not have a merchant account.
               Decided not to get a chip-and-pin.
       It’s normally someone known by others, so can be trusted to pay online and show proof on their computer/phone.
       Could raise money for on-the-day sales?
               £100 for community, and 
       Oliver (OSMF treasurer) will have his receipt book for recording any cash received.
       Note made to investigate for future accounts.

Need to confirm numbers with Aston (catering), over 250 will adjust the cost.

       Need to tell them before the conf call next week.
       Henk and Brian’s daily update will help come up with a number on Tuesday.

Programme Printers deadline tomorrow, they’ve been happy with the format.

       Few changes spotted by Rob to change. Will be published online tonight.

Mary to send info to presenters tomorrow.

       Remember the first 4 presenters will get a slightly different e-mail.
       Text to go in the e-mail has been decided. - see google drive.

Venue Items All straight forward, just reminders.

Event day Items Welcome Desk Registrations.

       How many desks to have?
       Tokyo had it broken down by surname(make clear if it’s first of last name split), and t-shirts given with the desk.
       5 desks is probably best.
       Give vouchers with badge for the shirt?
               Have a list to allow checking(if not busy). Don’t worry about shirt sellouts too much as we have promised shirts.
       Voucher system is preferred. Mary will print those and add them into badge wallets.
       Might need an usher to keep people moving?
       Brian volunteered Mary to be welcome/registration co-ordinator.


       People forget to bring the conference guide the following day.

In Tokyo we printed the programme for people for every day.

       We’ll need a “definitive programme” pinned on the wall near the information desk.

Need someone on the day for greeting the sponsors and keynote speakers, good host.

       Brian suggests Henk fronts that. Henk will definitely be finding the sponsors throughout the conference and chatting to them.
       Don’t need to be do hosting for keynote speakers, except maybe the non-OSM ones like Birmingham City Council.
       Henk will be the host for sponsors and keynote speakers.

Thursday Evening Plan

       Brian still needs to find out from Aston when we can get in.
       Rob has 6 volunteers that will be there.
       Mike will make tea for people.

Rob’s volunteer schedule questions…

       Do we assign people to each track or just when stuff is happening?
       Ad-hoc and birds of a feather parts will not be staffed throughout. Once started the assigned volunteer can return to the info desk to be called on if needed.

Cloakroom at the info desk to leave coats and bags?

Need to tell volunteers that there will be a briefing.

       Perhaps have 2 quick sessions, one at 8:30am and maybe a bit later during registration.
               Any that miss those will have to get the information filtered down from other volunteers.

Line 22

       Survey as people leave SotM.
               Paper or online.
               If it’s open then you won’t get a good idea of it.
                       Closed questions (yes/no/rate), but a 1 or 2 open.
               Henk will try and find such surveys from previous years.
                       Hopefully good enough without too much altering.
               We’ll do it online so nobody has to type up or collect responses.

We have an emergency conference mobile phone, number is in the guide.

       Later need to make a rota.
       Mary volunteers for Thursday, which will be when it’s first turned on (until Sunday).
       Needs to be more prominent on conference guide. Rob to put it under the image credits.

Mary has created a volunteer contact list spreadsheet, please populate with your details. [Google link removed]

Judith e-mailed Mary today about tea. She wants 15. We’ll cover the £1.85 for teas. She’ll pay us back what she can.

Need right people for session captains.

       Andy Mabbet wanted to do some.
       Gregory is also keen, going to check the programme if there’s anything he doesn’t want to be out of.
       Rob scheduled it so everyone(unnamed) does a bit of each track, 2 people per session(captain and roaming mics). [Google link removed]
       Intended so everyone has a similar set of content.

Sponsor texts

       Nothing has been given specifically (despite us contacting them). Brian wrote stuff, because it has to go to the printers tomorrow.
       Henk can send the text to each sponsor, but it will be too late to change it.
       All the text is taken from existing stuff on the web, nothing bad. It’s sponsor’s own fault for not providing text that was asked for.
               Amazon is the only one that might get touchy.
               “Amazon Web Services is proud supporter of State of the Map.” is all that was given for use on SotM website.
               They’re keen on promoting that link, so it should be in the conference guide.

Who’s wanting a booth?

       Skobbler - Henk want to check.
       Civico want a stand (not sponsoring, but they are providing recording free)
       Henk will ask others by the end of the week, so Amazon don’t look super on their own.
       They will all be in the coffee room.

Carson, cycling from Germany

       Shaun reckons he can make it, maybe even early!


       Request about gluten option?
       Brian will triple check with Aston that they are providing it, as they have given the list already.

Brian will check conferencing deadline for catering of hack day. 27 people have signed up, Shaun is happy with that. The hack isn’t greatly publicised.

Soprah have declined. All money spent on FOSS4G. ODI?

       Late sponsorship might have to be worked out creatively due to missing print deadlines.
       Gregory knows someone in ODI who is a friend of OSM since ~2003, so might be able to get them to convince our ODI contact to say yes. Who has been dealing with ODI and who is the contact at ODI?

Bring conference call forward to Tuesday next week?

       Henk will be travelling then. Will be in Brum on Wed & Thurs.
       Two shorter calls - 8pm Tuesday & 8pm Wednesday.

Meeting ended. (95 minutes, the longest one?)