TMC/TMC Import Germany/Segments/32700 to 32800

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This page belongs to: TMC/TMC_Import_Germany/Segments
To use the JOSM-links you need the RemoteControl-Plugin. This plugin does not work with the Webstart-version of JOSM.

  •  DONE 

32700 to 32800

LocationCode download OSM relation-ID status user
32737 segment 32737 of type "Order 1 segment"/"Segment 1. Ordnung " none

(search relations)
(search ways to create missing relation)
(load area in JOSM)
(has this segment been tagged yet?)

TODO your name here
32754 segment 32754 of type "Order 1 segment"/"Segment 1. Ordnung " none

(search relations)
(search ways to create missing relation)
(load area in JOSM)
(has this segment been tagged yet?)

TODO your name here