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Public-images-osm logo.svg amenity = clothes_dryer
Clothing line.jpg
Permanently fixed facility to hang clothes for drying. Show/edit corresponding data item.
Group: amenities
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesmay be used on waysmay be used on areas (and multipolygon relations)should not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
Useful combination

covered=* access=* indoor=* surface=* clothes_dryer=* clothes_dryer:foldable=* clothes_dryer:portable=*

See also

amenity=dryer man_made=carpet_hanger

Status: in use

Permanently placed place to hang clothes for drying. Not to be confused with amenity=dryer, which is used for individual public laundry dryer machines. A very similar construction, with related uses in some cases, is the man_made=carpet_hanger.

Main article: Counterintuitive keys and values

Note that value for this tag is highly confusing as in English "clothes dryer" refers rather to powered appliance that heats air to remove moisture[1]. It appears that "clothes line" would be less confusing value[2]

How to map

Usually mapped as enclosed way (area) or individual nodes.


Key Value Description Photo

Dryer type

clothes_dryer rack Clothes dryer in the form of a rack. Can be folded or portable. Bucato steso al sole.jpg
clothes_dryer umbrella Clothes dryer in the form of an umbrella. Can be on a swivel, folding or portable. Dominique Gonzales-Foerster, Untitled (Juli bis September 2021 temporär im Park).jpg
clothes_dryer pulley Clothes dryer as a rope stretched between the rollers. Zürich (Schweiz) -- 2011 -- 1395.jpg
clothes_dryer pillar Durable outdoor clothes dryer in the form of a rope stretched between posts (pillar). Publiczna suszarka pillar.jpg
clothes_dryer t-post Durable outdoor clothes dryer in the form of a rope stretched between posts (t-posts). Publiczna suszarka t-post.jpg
clothes_dryer n-post Durable outdoor clothes dryer in the form of a rope stretched between posts (n-posts). Publiczna suszarka n-post.jpg
clothes_dryer:foldable yes / no Whether or not a clothes dryer can be folded.
clothes_dryer:portable yes / no Whether or not a clothes dryer is portable.

Other attributes

access Access to the clothes dryer.
fee yes / no If the clothes dryer can be used for free or not.
indoor yes If the clothes dryer is found indoors.
covered yes / no If the clothes dryer is covered or not. Clothes dryer T-post.jpg
surface Surface below or under the clothes dryer.


Picture Tags
Publiczna suszarka t-post.jpg amenity=clothes_dryer


See also

The following text is a translation of the original article in Russian, reviewed for rev1682437. Insert all new information or information which are specific to your place before this notice.
Please avoid changing radically this text without translation also updating the original article, and notify the international community or ask for help on this site. Orthographic, grammatical, lexical or stylistic corrections are welcome.

External links