amenity = library_dropoff |
Description |
A remote dropoff location for a library. |
Group: amenities |
Used on these elements |
Useful combination |
Status: approved |
Tools for this tag |
Use amenity=library_dropoff to tag a remote dropoff location for a library. This is a place where library users can confidently return or drop off books outside of the library itself. These often look like containers with hatches that only allow for delivery into the repository or container – or there may be an externally accessible drop-in facility on the building itself.
This would be a node only, because these are typically fairly small box-like structure, and differs from a amenity=library which is understood by most to be the physical building where the collection of books resides. A drop-off on the other hand is only used for drop-off not checkout or delivery.
How to map
Use the tag amenity=library_dropoff on a node. A single standalone node would be the most suitable way to map a small detail like a drop-off location, as most are only boxes a few meters wide.
Tags to use in combination
- collection_times=* – When are books collected and marked as returned to the library
- name=* – Descriptive Name for the location
- ref:isil=* – International Standard Identifier for Libraries and Related Organisations (ISIL)
- operator=* – Descriptor for operator
- operator:type=* – public/private/government/religious/… see the tags wiki for more
- lit=* – If the drop-off location is lit
- colour=* – What colour is the drop-off, if applicable?
- Mapillary capture of one such location
Possible synonyms
See also
- amenity=library – A place to read and/or lend books
- amenity=public_bookcase