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Public-images-osm logo.svg historic = aircraft
Mońki. Pomnik samolot.JPG
A decommissioned aircraft which generally remains in one place. Show/edit corresponding data item.
Group: historic
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesshould not be used on waysmay be used on areas (and multipolygon relations)should not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
Useful combination
See also
Status: de facto

A tag for a decommissioned aircraft which has become a tourist attraction, a museum exhibit or a gate guardian. The aircraft will generally remain in one place. This applies to both military and non-military aircrafts.

If the aircraft is a memorial to an event, historic=memorial + memorial=aircraft can also be used.


  • Technik-Museum Speyer [1]
  • Imperial War Museum, Duxford [2]
  • Concorde at Brooklands Museum, London [3]


  • It may be tempting to tag building=* on any stationary aircraft, given the relatively poor renderer support for historic=aircraft areas. However, this is a stretch of the key's intended meaning that is often frowned upon because it causes some data consumers to make incorrect assumptions. [4] There is such a thing as an airplane house (analogous to a houseboat), so it is best to keep a clear distinction between these dwellings and other aircraft that happen to be stationary.
  • Occasionally, decommissioned aircraft are used to commemorate people or events, which can be indicated by a name or an inscription somewhere on the installation. In this case, historic=memorial can be used. Do not tag aircraft that commemorate nothing as memorials.
  • For decommissioned, static, non-historic aircraft, use man_made=aircraft

How to map

Mark a node on the location of the aircraft and tag it as historic=aircraft

Additional tags

Tag Notes
ref=* Used for the aircraft registration number or code, also known as the tail number (e.g. G-BBDG).
name=* Used for the name of the aircraft if displayed (e.g. Enola Gay)
tourism=attraction Used to mark the aircraft as a tourist attraction.
operator=* Used for the current operator of the aircraft.
aircraft:type=* The general type of aircraft (Examples include military aircraft, helicopters, and decommissioned airliners).
wikipedia=* Used for the Wikipedia page of that specific aircraft, not just that model in general.
wikidata=* Used for the Wikidata page of that specific aircraft, not just that model in general.
wikimedia_commons=* Link to a file photo of that specific aircraft, not just that model in general.
manufacturer=*, manufacturer:wikidata=* and manufacturer:wikipedia=* Manufacturer of the aircraft.
model=*, model:wikidata=* and model:wikipedia=* Model of the aircraft.

If the aircraft has some kind of amenity=* like a bar, restaurant or tourism=* like a hotel or a museum, that can be tagged as a separate node with own name and further information.

See also