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Public-images-osm logo.svg man_made = surveillance
A surveillance camera or other type of surveillance equipment. Show/edit corresponding data item.
Group: man made
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesshould not be used on waysshould not be used on areasshould not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
Useful combination
Status: approvedPage for proposal

A surveillance camera or other types of surveillance equipment. These may be publicly or privately operated, and may be monitoring a public or private space.

How to map

Place a node node at the location of the camera (or other surveillance equipment).

Tags used in combination

  • operator=* – the organization operating the cameras. Note that the organization of interest would be the organization to whom the images belong (specific government, specific enterprise, etc.), for example: operator=Ajuntament de Palma or operator=My Enterprise.
  • name=* – For a camera (or other surveillance equipment) which has a name.
  • ref=* – For a camera (or other surveillance equipment) which has a reference number (for example XXX-000).
  • surveillance=* – Whether a location is under surveillance or what type of surveilled area it is.
  • surveillance:type=camera/guard/ALPR – What is watching? (ALPR = Automatic license plate recognition, see  Automatic number-plate recognition.)
  • surveillance:zone=town/parking/traffic/shop/bank/building/entrance/nesting_site – Zone of the surveillance.
  • camera:type=* – Type of the camera, e.g. fixed, panning, dome.
  • camera:mount=* – How or where the camera is mounted/fixed.
  • camera:direction=* – Orientation of the camera – specify either a cardinal direction (like N, S, E, W) or a clockwise angle in degrees.

Many more detailed tags described at Proposed features/Extended tags for Key:Surveillance.


Surveillance is rendered on:

Röntgen icons in Map Machine

Tag Icon
Röntgen wall CCTV camera.svg
Röntgen ceiling dome CCTV camera.svg
Röntgen wall dome CCTV camera.svg

See also