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Public-images-osm logo.svg office = courier
Puerto Vallarta DHL.jpg
A courier delivery service, which is neither a post office nor a national post. Show/edit corresponding data item.
Rendering in OSM Carto
Group: offices
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesshould not be used on waysmay be used on areas (and multipolygon relations)should not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
Status: in usePage for proposal

a quill

Undocumented Tag
This page was created because the tag is in use but not documented. You can help OpenStreetMap by expanding it!
Please keep in mind that there could be similar tags and / or that this tag might be deprecated.
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A courier delivery service, which is neither a post office or a national post. A courier is a person or a company which delivers messages, packages, and mail, and offer ancillary services like booking, drop-off, pick-up, etc.

Courier services differs from post offices as, a post office is usually a customer service facility forming part of a national postal system, while courier services are mainly privately operated. Also many post offices offer additional services: providing and accepting government forms (such as passport applications), processing government services and fees (such as road tax), and banking services (such as savings accounts and money orders).

Do not confuse with the following:


Globally, mappers have resorted to using this tag, and usage has grown steadily since 2018. The initial proposal was narrowly rejected in 2017, and a second was drafted soon after, but eventually abandoned.

The initial version of this page appears to have been largely copied from the second proposal.

How to map

Use it on a nodeor area with office=courier

  • name=* can be used for the common name of the office.
  • operator=* can be used for the local operator.
  • brand=* can be used to mark the brand its affiliated with, if any.

Use this tag at offices of courier services, where there is a public access counter.

See also

Possible similar tagging

information sign

If you know places with the following tags, verify if they could be mapped with a more appropriate tag. Automated edits are strongly discouraged unless you really know what you are doing!
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