Talk:Shasta County, California

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Address Import

I'm currently working on a tool for applying address data from the City and County's GIS departments to existing ways. Here's the process:

Download the data from the county as Geojson.

Using overpass, download all [building=yes] in a given bounding box. Download Raw OSM data, including metadata:

   out meta;

Save this data, then use node.js to run this script against it like `apply_addresses_to_ways.js download.geojson > out.osc`

The script works like this:

  1. For each building, determine its center point.
  2. Determine the closest address point to that center point.
  3. If the address point is within the bounds of the building, apply that address data to the building.

All other tags are preserved.

Then, open JOSM with the same overpass query in the same bounding box, open the .osc file and merge it down.

I think this is a better method of applying addresses than interpolation and can be easily scoped to reviewable changesets.

Issues to Correct before Broader Application

  • Needs to use full names (Street) instead of abbreviations (St) - DONE
