Telenav/Mapping Projects/Europe/Berlin

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To make OpenStreetMap more navigable and accurate in guidance, our mapping team started an editing project in Europe.

In this project we will focus on editing oneways, turn restrictions, road geometry and also validating the existing map by correcting keep right errors in Berlin, Germany.

Berlin, Germany

latitude: 52.5200, longitude: 13.4050
Browse map of Berlin 52°31′12.00″ N, 13°24′18.00″ E
Edit map
External links:
Use this template for your locality

Berlin is a city in Germany at latitude 52°31′12.00″ North, longitude 13°24′18.00″ East.

Overall statistics

In the overall statistics for the city of Berlin, we have considered the following types of highway: motorway, trunk, primary, secondary, tertiary, unclassified, residential, living_street, service, track, road, ferry.

For each feature, our team has created some statistics:

City Road Geometry(km) Road Name(km) Road Name Gap(km) Oneway(km) Speed Limit(km) Speed Limit Gap (km) Lane Info(km) Lane Info Gap(km) Turn Restrictions Signposts
Berlin 10941.62 7072.45 3869.17 1831.42 6278.15 4663.47 2094.49 8847.13 1253 175


Improve OSM

For the cases to review, our team used the data from the ImproveOSM web site.


How to map

We will follow the mapping scheme that is already used in Italy, as it is described on this page:


• Pay attention to the direction of the way! Before adding the oneway=yes tag, make sure that the direction of digitization matches the direction of the oneway. If not, press "R" to reverse the direction and only after adding the oneway=yes tag.

For roundabouts, the oneway=yes is implied, so it is not necessary to add it explicitly.

See also:

Cases to review

City Cases to review
Berlin 186

Used dump

Turn Restrictions

How to map

We will follow the mapping scheme that is already used in Italy, as it is described on this page:

Tags to be used:

• relations: type=restriction ; restriction= * ; except= *

• relations: type=restriction ; restriction:conditional= * ; except= *

• members: from,to,via

See also:

Cases to review

City Cases to review
Berlin 3477

Used dump

Road geometry

To improve the existing data, we will focus on adding missing roads from valid sources.

We will follow the mapping scheme that is already used from the community:

Quality assurance

Quality Assurance tools help lead to a better quality of OSM data.

Error Detecting Tools ( Integrity checks and Keep right) check the OSM data for potential data errors.

Integrity Checks

Telenav uses OSM Data Integrity Checks for issues that would impact the road network and tags that affect automotive navigation applications.

Integrity checks overview

Severity Berlin Error Name
critical 578 bad-2w-4w-tags
critical 54 invalid-turn-restrictions
critical 36 oneway-flip-flops
critical 1 one-way-loops
critical 34 pierced-tunnels-and-bridges
critical 258 road-islands
critical 634 unconnected-ways
critical 384 wrong-oneway-double-way
critical 3 wrong-one-ways
major 377 bad-tag-values
major 10 highway-tag-flip-flops
major 31 miscategorized-ramps
major 40 ramp-destination-conflicts
major 88 speed-limit-value
major 18 way-sign-posts
minor 2 bad-words
minor 36 cardinal-directions
minor 340 lane-count
minor 531 links-with-name-or-ref
minor 6 misnamed-double-digitized-ways
minor 134 roundabout-name
minor 665 smoothness-problems
minor 2626 turn-lanes-order
minor 8 typos
Total 6894

Keep Right

Keep Right shows a large number of automatically detected potential errors on a map or in list form.It has a system for reporting false positives and for labeling a bug as fixed.

Keep right overview

Severity Error name Berlin
critical dead-ended one-ways 14
critical missing from way 1
critical missing to way 1
critical wrong restriction angle 12
major almost-junctions 225
major floating islands 125
major intersection without junction 10
minor already restricted by oneway 10
minor mixed layers intersections 29
minor roundabout: not closed loop 1
Total 428


• Aerial Imagery: Esri World Imagery, Bing Aerial Imagery, Mapbox Satellite, Maxar Imagery

• Street level imagery: OSC, Mapillary

• Improve OSM – Turn restriction

• Local Data - where there is approval to use it

Interacting with community

  • Mailing list: