Telenav/Mapping Projects/Europe/Ingolstadt
To make OpenStreetMap more navigable and accurate in guidance, our mapping team started an editing project in Europe.We will focus on editing one ways, turn restrictions, road geometry and also validating the existing map by correcting keep right errors. We will start editing in Ingolstadt at the end of April.
V・T・E Ingolstadt, Ingolstadt |
latitude: 48°45′36.00″, longitude: 11°25′12.00″ |
Browse map of Ingolstadt 48°45′36.00″, 11°25′12.00″ |
Edit map |
External links:
Use this template for your locality |
Ingolstadt is a town in Ingolstadt at latitude 48°45′36.00″, longitude 11°25′12.00″.
For each of this feature, we have created some statistics:
City | Road geometry(km) | Road name(km) | Oneway(km) | Speed limit | Lane info(km) | Turn restrictions | Signposts |
Ingolstadt | 1408.64 | 681.89 | 96.79 | 457.09 | 100.39 | 621 | 15 |
Highway considered |
motorway |
motorway_link |
trunk |
trunk_link |
primary |
primary_link |
secondary |
secondary_link |
tertiary |
tertiary_link |
residential |
service |
unclassified |
Focus points:
One way from ImproveOSM:
We will review and add if necessary the oneway=yes tag on navigable roads after consulting the available data (OSM Oneway key).
City | Cases |
Ingolstadt | 6 |
Turn Restrictions from ImproveOSM:
We will use the following tags: -relations: type=restriction ; restriction= * ; except= * -relations: type=restriction ; restriction:conditional= * ; except= * -members:
City | Cases |
Ingolstadt | 135 |
Road Geometry:
To improve the existing data, we will focus on adding missing roads from valid sources.
We will follow the mapping scheme that is already used from the community:
Quality Assurance from KeepRight:
Severity | Error name | Cases |
major | floating islands | 9 |
major | almost-junctions | 15 |
major | intersection without junction | 1 |
minor | already restricted by oneway | 1 |
Quality Assurance from Integrity Checks:
Severity | Error name | Cases |
critical | bad-2w-4w-tags | 27 |
critical | invalid-turn-restrictions | 33 |
critical | pierced-tunnels-and-bridges | 11 |
critical | road-islands | 1 |
critical | unconnected-ways | 22 |
critical | wrong-oneway-double-way | 7 |
major | way-sign-posts | 12 |
major | speed-limit-value | 50 |
major | miscategorized-ramps | 6 |
major | bad-tag-values | 22 |
minor | turn-lanes-order | 55 |
minor | smoothness-problems | 20 |
minor | roundabout-name | 23 |
minor | road-name-and-ref-tag-flip-flops | 1 |
minor | links-with-name-or-ref | 76 |
minor | lane-count | 19 |
minor | cardinal-directions | 2 |
How to map
We will be following the global OSM conventions alongside the ones specific for Germany, as they are described on these pages:
See also: Who will be involved? Telenav Map Analyst roberts_telenav