Template:GSoC idea

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This template is used on project ideas pages for Google Summer of Code.


  • title – Title of project idea (use this as a reference in communication with mentors and organizers)
  • suggestor – User who suggests the idea (not necessarily the same as the software maintainer or mentor)
  • summary – Give a short description what the idea is about and outline the work involved.
  • skills – Mandatory skills or knowledge the candidate is expected to have to be considered.
  • useful_skills – Additional skills and knowledge that are helpful for a smooth execution of the project.
  • experience – beginner (has done some courses but no experience with real software projects) / intermediate (has done some work on software projects) / advanced (has worked more long-time on projects with other people)
  • length – 90/175/350 hours (Currently, GSoC projects come in three different lengths, so the scope of the project idea should reflect that.)
  • difficultyeasy (implementation is obvious for anybody with the required skills) / medium (some research is expected and smaller road blocks that need to be solved independently) / hard (candidates is expected to develop their own solutions to the given problem, do extensive research and/or acquire new skills)
  • mentors – Add yourself here if you are interested in mentoring the project. In addition drop the organizers a mail at gsoc-orga@openstreetmap.org.
  • notes – Add additional references and links here that might be useful to understand the context of the project.
  • comments – Any further information, requirements etc. that don't fit anywhere else.

Usage example

Each project idea should copy and edit the following template:

You type
{{GSoC idea
|title=Example - JOSM Plugin to do xxxx
|suggestor=OSM User name or email of person making suggestion (so we can contact them if necessary)
|summary=Summary of Project Idea (a few sentences)
|skills=Skills required to succeed with the project
|useful_skills=Skills that could be helpful
|experience=Level of experience required
|length=175 hours
|mentors=OSM User names or emails of Possible Mentors; please link to some place that has contact details for students to reach out
|notes=Additional explanatory notes
|comments=brief comments
You get

Example - JOSM Plugin to do xxxx

Suggested By
OSM User name or email of person making suggestion (so we can contact them if necessary)
Summary of Project Idea (a few sentences)
Mandatory skills
Skills required to succeed with the project
Useful skills
Skills that could be helpful
Required experience
Level of experience required
175 hours
Possible Mentors
OSM User names or emails of Possible Mentors; please link to some place that has contact details for students to reach out
Additional explanatory notes
brief comments