Template:Map Features:memorial/doc

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Template for the basin table. Use the default English text or use the template arguments for your translations


All parameters are optional. By default, text is in English. English writers shall write their comments in the template itself (avoiding double edition). Other languages are translated in template arguments, not in the template itself.

Template for copy/paste...

<noinclude>{{Languages|Template:Map Features:memorial}}</noinclude>
|name         = 
|description  = 
|head:key     = 
|head:value   = 
|head:element = 
|head:desc    = 
|head:render  = 
|head:photo   = 
|war_memorial:desc = 
|plaque:desc       = 
|plate:desc        = 
|blue_plaque:desc  = 
|statue:desc       = 
|bust:desc         = 
|stele:desc        = 
|stolperstein:desc = 
|stone:desc        = 
|obelisk:desc      = 
|bench:desc        = 
|sculpture:desc    = 
|ghost_bike:desc   = 
|cross:desc        = 
|pulpulak:desc     =
|cenotaph:desc     = 