Template:Zh-hant:Map Features:playground

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每一個單一遊具都應該依照其形狀與大小,依照下列的遊樂場關鍵字以及值,標記成一個節點(node)、一條路線(way)、或一塊區域(area) 。也有其他的沒有在此列出的特殊器材使用之關鍵字。

關鍵字(Key) 值(Value) 元素(Element) 說明(Comment) 照片(Photo)

靜態設施(Stationary installations)

playground structure node way area relation complex installation of connected playground devices comprising platforms, towers, bridges, to which further climbing/slide/swing devices can be attached to
playground slide node way area relation 滑梯
playground climbingframe node area climbing frame, also known as jungle gym, also as rope spider
Climbing frame playground.jpg
playground climbingwall node way area relation children's version -- for all ages see sport=climbing.
Playground climbingwall.jpg
playground balancebeam node way relation Balance beam in playground shape, often close to the ground
Playground Balance beam.jpg
playground playhouse node area relation wendyhouse in some regions
playground sandpit node area relation Sandpit
playground hopscotch node way area relation a hopscotch court
Hinkelbaan tegels.jpg
playground teenshelter node area relation teenshelter
Teen shelter near former coastguard lookout, Watchet - geograph.org.uk - 1714960.jpg
playground sledding node way area relation small playground hill only - see also sport=toboggan.
Prangli lapsed kelgutamas.jpg

動態設備(Motion devices)

playground swing node way area relation 韆鞦
playground basketswing node way area relation basketswing
playground basketrotator node a basket rotating around a pole (Basket Rotator, Basket Spinner).
Playground Basket-Rotator Berlin Germany.jpg
playground aerialrotator node aerialrotator
Hanging roundabout.jpg
playground seesaw node way area relation 蹺蹺板
playground springy node relation a seat on a helical spring (Springy horse, Springy cow, ...)
Springy horse.jpg
playground trampoline node area relation 港:跳彈床
Habantyi2015 Shamonin of Bashkortostan 14.JPG
playground roundabout node area relation 港:氹氹轉
Wheelchair Roundabout.jpg
playground cushion node way area relation Bouncy Cushion (like a flat bouncy castle, without towers)
playground zipwire way area relation see also the "big brother" aerialway=zip_line.
Ropeway play.jpg

活動性設備(Activity devices)

playground water node way area relation Archimedes' screw, a water pump for making mud, and similar
Norden Archimedische Schraube.jpg
playground activitypanel node way area relation Activity panel with various games (example).
Szwedy - plac zabaw - kółko i krzyżyk.jpg
playground exercise node way area relation Outdoor gym. See alternate suggestion on Proposed features/exercise point and on leisure=fitness_station.
Outdoor gym in Parque de Bateria, Torremolinos.JPG
playground user defined node way area relation There are further activity devices to be identified, such as learning installations, tic-tac-toe,... All commonly used values according to Taginfo
