My Master thesis will focus how OSM tiles can get rendered in a volunteered driven distributed platform, using the BOINC framework.
„Distributed tiles-rendering in a desktop-grid using the example of OpenStreetMap“ -what does this mean? I will try to port the OSM Rendering stack, to the distributed computing framework BOINC. Thus, the community might be able, to help on rendering our slippy map?
- with respect of the VGI specific requirements of OSM (update frequence, global coverage, ...)
- with respect of desktop grid requirements
- compare and make use of existing OSM technologies
- recycle experiences from Tiles@Home
I will try to keep the community up to date with my diary:
As the resulting toolchain is constructed within only 6 months and is part of a scientific publication, it won't be ready to use by the community and is basically a proof-of-concept:
- will only show THAT it's technical POSSIBLE using the desired framework
- will be focused on getting impressions on limits and analyses bottlenecks
- will use only existing rendering stacks
- won't implement a userfriendly webportal to attract volunteers
- won't support more than one single platform
- won't cover the whole world
- won't care about tile hosting
Will try to keep you up to date with planned steps and progress.
Will you release the source?
Yes, I hope to maintain the source in a public repository and to transparently document the development process. The text will become OpenAcess as well.