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I'm OSM user avena701. I can read and write German, English and Danish.
Overpass queries
POI overpass extract, new
- Overpass: XML, Metadata (version etc.) required for osmosis
- osmosis --read-xml file="export.osm" --sort type="TypeThenId" --write-xml file="campsite.osm" &&
- osmconvert campsite.osm --all-to-nodes -o=campsitenodes.osm &&
- osmfilter campsitenodes.osm --keep-nodes="*" -o=campsite.osm &&
- ./ campsite.osm campsite.gpx
- campsite
{{tagspec1= "tourism"~"camp_site|caravan_site"}}
- motelhotelhostlguesthouse
{{tagspec1= "tourism"~"motel|hotel|hostel|guest_house"}}
- Accomodation other
{{tagspec1= "tourism"~"alpine_hut|apartment|chalet|wilderness_hut"}}
Export raster map with tillmill from command line
Octave-Script to calculate bounding box for tilemill from center (lon,lat), zoomlevel and scalefactor:
lon = 13.74921; lat = 51.07545; z = 16; %zoomlevel sf = 3; %scalefactor width= 18000 %256*sf; height= 3200 %256*sf; C = 40040; % the (equatorial) circumference of the Earth londegree_per_pixel = 360 / 2^(8+z)*cos(lat/180*pi) / sf; latdegree_per_pixel = 180 / 2^(8+z) / sf; %bbox: xmin = lon - width/2 * londegree_per_pixel; ymin = lat - height/2 * latdegree_per_pixel; xmax = lon + width/2 * londegree_per_pixel; ymax = lat + height/2 * latdegree_per_pixel; % out outcmd = sprintf('node ~/tilemill/index.js export openstreetmap-carto --format png --bbox="%f,%f,%f,%f" --width %d --height %d --scale %f bellabike.png\n', xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax,width,height,sf); printf(outcmd);
biketrekkingmap: Mapnik hill-shading, contours
- osm2pgsql -s -d gis -U gisuser --style ~/Documents/MapBox/project/osmcarto2_32_0_hill/ ~/Downloads/DD_13.614\,50.971_13.868\,51.134.osm.pbf
( standard style, uncomment line "way network text linear" for route-network)
- node ~/tilemill/index.js export osmcarto2_32_0_hill --format mbtiles --bbox="13.346,50.249,14.872,51.237" --minzoom=5 --maxzoom=14 usti.mbtiles
- Merge SRTM tif-files:
gdalwarp srtm_42_02.tif srtm_42_03.tif srtm_41_02.tif srtm_41_03.tif ua-srtm.tif
- Reproject:
gdalwarp -s_srs EPSG:4269 -t_srs EPSG:3785 -r bilinear ua-srtm.tif ua-srtm-3785.tif
- Hillshade: Change standard sun altitude
gdaldem hillshade -co compress=lzw -alt 25 ua-srtm-3785.tif ua-srtm-3785-hillshade.tif
- Create overviews to improve performance:
gdaladdo -r average ua-srtm-3785-hillshade.tif 2 4 8 16 32
- Contours:
gdal_contour -a elev -i 25 ua-srtm-3785.tif ua-srtm-3785.shp
- Beware with Tilemill Geometry Field pre-caching. Set to custom -20037508.34,-20037508.34,20037508.34,20037508.34 (whole world).
mb-util uabike.mbtiles uabike
Dresden tiles
- Installe node version manager (nvm) and switch to node v6.14.1 (node-mapnik doesn't provide binaries for newest node)
- Create ~/kosmtik, go there and
npm install kosmtik
cd ~/src/kosmtik node index.js export ~/Documents/kosmtik/openstreetmap-carto-4.9.0/project.mml --output=/home/nils/Documents/kosmtik/export --format tiles --maxZoom 17 --minZoom 5 --bounds="13.346,50.249,14.872,51.237"
- Delete empty tiles
find . -name "*.png" -size 857c -delete
- Compress png
find -type f -name "*.png" -exec optipng {} \
MOBAC / MyTrails
- edit mapsources/localtiles.xml
- enter "MyTrails" as name
- click New, choose a atlas name, Type MGMaps/Mytrails (MGM)
- Settings, Map Size: increase the map size
- add a selection (can be larger than area where tiles are available)
- go
Reprojecting, georeferencing and generating tiles for a slippy map
- Source: Map of city, PDF, WGS84 Zone 33N
- Destination: Tiles for standard slippy map, Google Web Mercator