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Recommended way

  1. Download Ubuntu
  2. Install Ubuntu
  3. Proceed as per ubuntu instructions

The hard way

(Spoiler: you may want to read the end first before trying this)

Download Ruby 1.8.7-p358 RubyInstaller from or You may try a different revision (p123), but I do not suggest trying any different version than 1.8.7 unless instructed to do so in a more current setup guide.

Install it, adding it to your path.

Run "gem install bundler" (if your installer failed to add ruby to your path, cd to the ruby bin directory first)

install and start pgsql, cd to pgsql\bin, run

 createuser -s -P openstreetmap
   (note down the password)
 createdb -E UTF8 -O openstreetmap -T template0 openstreetmap
 createdb -E UTF8 -O openstreetmap -T template0 osm_test
 createdb -E UTF8 -O openstreetmap -T template0 osm
 psql -d openstreetmap < ..\share\contrib\btree_gist.sql

Check out to c:\osm\ (you may delete the 100 MB .git directory afterwards if you do not want to update)


 cd c:\osm\openstreetmap-website\config
 copy example.database.yml database.yml
 copy example.application.yml application.yml

open the two files in your favorite text editor and edit them to fit (esp. user/password in database.yml - the username is "openstreetmap", the password is what you set above)

ensure ruby is on your path (the installer didn't do it despite being told to):

 set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Ruby187\bin


 cd c:\osm\openstreetmap-website
 bundle install

Enjoy your error message:

ERROR:  Error installing json:
        The 'json' native gem requires installed build tools.

Install the dev kit according to instructions

Again, run:

 cd c:\osm\openstreetmap-website
 bundle install

Enjoy your error message, find something that might be a solution on and run

 gem install bundler --pre

Try again, enjoy your error message, dive into bugtrackers, run:

 set RUBYOPT=-r rubygems

Try again, enjoy a different error message this time.

Remember the devkit? It comes very handy now. run:

 set PATH=c:\ruby-devkit\bin\;%PATH%
 rm -rf c:\osm

Uninstall ruby, then rm -rf the remaining ruby and devkit directories.

Call it a day and/or proceed as per the recommended way.