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What i will use OpenStreetMap for

I am the leader of the security-group at the Friday-Night-Skating-Vienna-Event. Each friday (may till october) why skate another route through the city of Vienna, and we are propagating this route to a mailing list. (In the past i used google-maps for this purpose - i am not sure if i will change this).

But i want to have a big map (2x1,5m) of vienna which i a can display at the gathering place (Heldenplatz) to the public to show the current route.

And this is what i will use OpenStreetMap of vienna for: to produce a big map on metal-sheets to place magnets and a rope on it to show the current route.

At the moment i am struggling producing that big map in an appropriate size. And i dont know how to display the license-information in the correct way ?