User:Natfoot footnat

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Hello I am Natfoot

This user submits data to OpenStreetMap under the name
Mapillary Natfoot footnat takes photos for Mapillary as natfoot.
Android logo 2019 (stacked).svg Natfoot footnat uses an Android-based mobile device.
iD Natfoot footnat submits data to OpenStreetMap using iD.
JOSM Natfoot footnat submits data to OpenStreetMap using JOSM.
Bike Natfoot footnat
is a bicyclist.
Flag of the United States.svg This user hails from the USA
en This user is a native speaker of English.


Natfoot is a community-orientated mapper by supporting community and communication for those that want to communicate by labeling the world around us. This enthusiasm is shown here within Open Street Map and within the new project Open Historical Map.


These are my project notes and sources.



Pacific Northwest Railroad Archive

Great Northern and Northern Pacific Joint Archive

Northern Pacific Railroad Historical Association research

Other PNWRRA Links

Multi Modal Ways


Location Short Hand

Union Pacific

Train Type Departing Location Arriving Location
A/C/G/I/Z/L/Y/M/O/R/U/etc. XX XX
Location Code Location
AM Kansas City, KS (Armourdale Yard)
AR Arlington, TX
AS East St. Louis, IL (ALS) Gateway Yard -
BE Belvidere, IL
BES Benicia, CA
BER Belvidere, IL
SM Salem, IL
SP Spring, TX
NP North Platte, NE Bailey Yard
KS Kansas City, KS 18th Street Yard
FX Fairfax Yard - Kansas City, KS
TP Topeka, KS
TM Tacoma, WA
CNX Homewood, IL (CN)
KB Kirby, TX KBB
RL Rolla, CO
RV Roseville, CA
NSR Kansas City, MO (NS)
ROE Salt Lake City, UT Roper Yard
CHR Chicago, IL (NS) Ashland Avenue Yard
RE Reisor, LA
MER Memphis, TN (NS)
PX Phoenix, AZ
EPR El Paso, TX (FXE)
PR Proviso, IL
Example Example
Example Example


Looking at [North American Signals]
Code Signal Type image or type notes
US-GCOR:DS Distance sign A D sign below a signal that refrences the next signal aspect. Usually found when entering from uncontrolled to controlled territory
US-MUTCD:t2 block signal system light Signal found on transit operations with two heads.
US-MUTCD:t3 block signal system light Signal found on transit operations with threee heads.
US-GCOR:Sw precursor sign sign a W showing for whistle
US-GCOR:Sx precursor sign sign a X showing for whistle
US-GCOR:S2 precursor sign sign a sign worked with US-GCOR:Sw or US-GCOR:Sx to list how many time or crossings to blow for
US-GCOR:S3 precursor sign sign a sign worked with US-GCOR:Sw or US-GCOR:Sx to list how many time or crossings to blow for
US-GCOR:Sqz precursor sign sign a sign to list crossing as quite zone
US-NORAC:298s Distance
Square yellow sign with "D" on it.
a square sign with yellow background with "D" on or near a distant signal
US-NORAC:298r Distance sign a round sign with yellow background with "D" on or near a distant signal
US-NORAC:298Al DIB sign sign showing D.I.B. horizontal Delay in Block
US-NORAC:298At DIB sign sign showing D.I.B. vertical Delay in Block