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I am trying to maintain the resurvey times on the StreetComplete quest list in the OSM wiki here.

To archive that I am saving the commit I gathered the information last time and use the following commands to check if there were changes to resurvey times since then.

$ git fetch origin
$ git log 082c9c8a89f8a1b537415a192019020b41507730..origin/master -G'older today|lastChecked|TagOlderThan' 
$ git log 082c9c8a89f8a1b537415a192019020b41507730..origin/master -- app/src/main/java/de/westnordost/streetcomplete/quests/existence/CheckExistence.kt

I've set up a little script, which sends me an email notification if resurvey times change or quests are added. It is using the above commands, but automates the process of checking.