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Rafael Istúriz
OSM Logo This user submits data to OpenStreetMap under the name
GitHub logo Risturiz has an account on GitHub as @risturiz.
Flag of Venezuela.svg This user hails from Venezuela.
Closed note marker.png Risturiz actively collaborates by resolving notes.
JOSM Risturiz submits data to OpenStreetMap using JOSM.
StreetComplete Risturiz submits data to OpenStreetMap using StreetComplete.
Organic Maps Risturiz uses Organic Maps
Firefox Risturiz prefers Mozilla Firefox.
Hiker Risturiz
is a hiker.
Mastodon user Risturiz toots on Mastodon/Fediverse as Mastodon
Twitter user Risturiz tweets as @risturiz
Telegram user Risturiz uses Telegram as @pelox
Babel user information
es-N Este usuario tiene una comprensión nativa del español.
en-2 This user has intermediate knowledge of English.
Users by language