Leaf type is applied only when characterizing Trees and Shrubs. A distinction is made between Broadleaved, Needleleaved and Aphyllous.
Broadleaved - This refers to trees and shrubs of the botanical group Angiospermae, with Gingko (Gingko biloba) as an exception, as it is broadleaved but taxonomically belongs to the Gymnospermae.
Needleleaved - This refers to trees and shrubs of the botanical group Gymnospermae (Ford-Robertson, 1971), carrying typical needle-shaped leaves.
Guideline Both evergreen conifers like pines (Pinus spp.), hemlock (Tsuga spp.) and firs (Abies spp.), etc., as well as deciduous conifers like the larch (Larix spp.), are included in A12. It is also applied to scale-like leaves, especially leaves of arbor vitae (Thuja occidentalis). Contrary to usual definitions, this category includes all plants with needle-like leaves, even though they are not conifers, such as some Australian acacias (e.g. Acacia asparagoides).
Aphyllous - This category includes plants without any leaves and plants that apparently do not have leaves in the common sense. In the first case, photosynthesis takes place through other organs, like stems, branches and twigs; in the latter case, the leaves are very short-lived or extremely reduced to scales and thorns.
The leaf phenology refers to the general behaviour of woody plants throughout the year.
Two types have to be distinguished: Evergreen and Deciduous. A further distinction is
made between Mixed and Semi-Deciduous or Semi-Evergreen. The leaf phenology of
herbaceous plants is classified through the mixed category. A separation can be made
between Perennial and Annual vegetation.
Evergreen - This term as such describes the phenology of perennial plants that are never entirely without green foliage (Ford-Robertson, 1971).
Guideline For this class to be applicable, there must be a whole layer that is more than 75 percent evergreen vegetation.
Deciduous - This applies to the phenology of perennial plants that are leafless for a certain period during the year (Ford-Robertson, 1971). The leaf shedding usually takes place simultaneously in connection with the unfavourable season (UNESCO, 1973).
Guideline For this class to be applicable, there must be a whole layer that is more than 75 percent deciduous vegetation.
The key wood=* is deprecated. Please consider to use the approved key leaf_type=broadleaved/needleleaved/mixed instead of wood=deciduous/coniferous/mixed. Please consider also updating the tagging of existing elements that you have mapped yourself.
Please consider to use the approved key leaf_type=broadleaved/needleleaved instead of type=broad_leaved/conifer. Please consider also updating the tagging of existing elements that you have mapped yourself.