User:TagaSanPedroAko/Philippines Tagging/Land use zones

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This page covers tagging for Philippines-specific land users. This will focus on the land use types as officially defined by the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board (as guide for zoning by local government units), but, a few land use types that may fall under one officially designated type but with no clear subtype are to be listed also.

Land uses

Main type

Type Definition Tags
Residential Land intended for housing. Can be divided into low, medium, and high density areas. landuse=residential
Socialized housing Land intended for housing underprivileged people, such as slum dwellers. landuse=residential
Commercial Land intended for commercial establishments, such as shops, services, and offices. Can be divided into low, medium, and high density areas.
Industrial Land intended for manufacturing and industrial activity. Can be divided into low, medium, and heavy use areas. landuse=industrial


This list subtypes of certain land uses, especially those having to do with density. Density descriptions are not clearly defined in HLURB's guide for land use zoning, but this may depend on local zoning ordinance of the municipality where the land use zone in question is to be mapped. The descriptions of each subtype is mostly used to illustrate how each subtype may look like to a usual mapper.


Subtype Definition
Low Allows single-family houses, with a usual building height limit of 2 to 4 storeys (varies by local zoning ordinance and allowable floor area ratio defined also by ordinance)
Medium Allows mostly low-rise multi-family residential buildings, such as mid-rise apartment blocks, with a usual building height limit of 5 to 11 storeys (varies by local zoning ordinance and allowable floor area ratio defined also by ordinance)
High Allows mostly high-rise multi-family residential buildings, such as condominiums and residential towers, with a usual building height limit of 12 storeys and above (varies by local zoning ordinance and allowable floor area ratio defined also by ordinance)


Subtype Definition
  • Allows small commercial buildings usually occupied by only one or a few businesses, with a building height limit of 2 to 4 storeys (varies by local zoning ordinance and allowable floor area ratio defined also by ordinance).
  • Typically found on areas dominated by residential areas
Medium Allows mostly low-rise conmercial buildings usually housing multiple businesses and offices, with a usual building height limit of 5 to 11 storeys (varies by local zoning ordinance and allowable floor area ratio defined also by ordinance)
  • Typically found in city centers or busy thoroughfares on small or medium cities and municipalities
High Allows mostly high-rise commercial buildings usually housing multiple businesses and offices, with a usual building height limit of 12 storeys and above (varies by local zoning ordinance and allowable floor area ratio defined also by ordinance)
  • Mostly found in the busy thoroughfares or central business district on large cities


This table below lists tagging for land use types that may fall under one officially designated type but with no clear subtype. They may require to use a tag other than those listed on the section above.