User talk:Kreuzschnabel/Proposed features:Hitchhiking bench

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Thanks for the proposal, which I'd like to reactivate :-) As of today, 15 hitchhiking benchs are already mapped in Germany. While currently such hitchhiking stops are often built as benches to accomodate for a propably longer waiting time, this IMHO is an implementation detail. There exist signed hitchhiking stops without a bench like e.g. those operated by taxito in Switzerland, by in France or those installed by Mitfahrscheibe in Schwäbisch Gmünd. Or think of slugging, like e.g. these suglines in the LA region. For this reason, I'd rather propose a highway=hitchhiking_stop, which could have a bench=yes. I could even think of a kind of hitchhiking route relation to a signed destination, which could be tagged with (time-depended) mean waiting time. Together, these could become the basis for integrating hitchhiking stops in an intermodal route planner. Related external discussion: talk Proposed_features/Hitchhiking, or the original discussion (in German) preceding this proposal. --Mfdz (talk) 06:43, 21 May 2019 (UTC)

amenity = car pooling ?

You define this as a location on the roadside where car drivers may pull you over or pick you up if you don’t own a car and look for a lift to a nearby destination.

This is very similar to a car pooling spot, where you meet to get in (or where you get dropped off) someone's car or to pick up (or drop off) someone, and we already have a tag for this : Tag:amenity=car_pooling

Could we use and enhance the existing tag instead of creating a new one ? Maybe amenity = car_pooling + bench = yes + hitchhiking = designated

--Singing-Poppy (talk) 14:29, 22 July 2019 (UTC)